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How to Get Over a Painful Past

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Re-living our past over and over again will not make things any better nor will being stuck in the past.
Things do happen and we may or may not be able to have prevented it nevertheless, it's done and is now time for us to move on.
It is not that we are actually living in the past because we take care of the needs of today but our mind can stay in the past or reflect on it often so the first thing we'll need to do is to take control of our thoughts.
We need to realize that we all makes mistakes and God is not holding anything against us if we've repented for what we have done.
Condemnation is a tool that the Devil uses to put us or keep us in bondage and as long as we're in bondage then we're never be free to live a lively productive life.
For the most part People are not thinking about what we have done, they're going on about their business; it is us who are feeling guilty or ashamed so we need to stop it.
We have to believe that we are forgiven, once that's done then we start to live again.
It is a new day and there are blessings in it for us.
We should reach out and embrace what is set before us.
When the thoughts of the past reoccur and they will we need to say no to them and say, I am forgive and that's that.
It might take some time in doing that especially if we've been indulging in the past for a while but I can assure you that the more we refuse to think on the past the less frequent those thoughts will come and pretty soon they won't come at all.
What if someone has hurt us in the past? The Bible says forgive and you shall be forgiven.
If we don't forgive others then God will not forgive us.
It may seem impossible to forgive someone who has hurt us so deeply so we would have to forgive by faith.
We simply say that we forgive that Person.
No we may not feel it when we first began but don't let that stop us, just know that if we want to be forgiven then we must forgive.
Not forgiving is like a weight over our head it's a burden that we carries and actually it's too heavy for us.
It'll cause destruction in our lives so we really do need to forgive.
We will not be able to move on with our lives if there is hatred in our hearts

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