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Weekly Feng Shui Action Item April 27

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In feng shui, your bedroom is the most important room of your home. That's due to the fact that you spend approximately 1/3 of your life in bed (8 hours of every 24 hours.) Because you spend as much time as you do, in your bedroom, investing in your resting is a wise decision, which brings health, harmony, and prosperity, to you.

Your bedroom is considered a yin area, as in yin and yang. A yin area is to be calm, peaceful and relaxing, as opposed to a yang area, which is active, bright and bold. (You can learn more about the yin and yang rooms in your home in the upcoming Rich and Sexy Feng Shui Formula 30 day online course, coming soon.)

For the warmer seasons, feng shui advises to have light, airy, colors for your bedroom, as this provides a calming and soothing environment. For your sheets, think: pale purples, blues, and lavenders to inspire a wealthand abundance, soft yellows, greens, and creams to soothe and heal, delightful pinks to stimulate the energy of joyful love and romance, and beautiful whites for increasing your energy and adding a little bounce to your step.

So put away your winter sheets and treat yourself to a new set of fabulous sheets; one's that make you smile when you see them. :) And yes, I am recommending you buy something new, and as you do, know that by doing so, you are welcoming new energy into your home and into your life; think of it as a B12 shot for your bedroom!

This Week: Invest in Your Rest as You Welcome the Best

  • First decide on a color choice for your new sheets.
  • Purchase a new set of sheets to place on your bed.
  • When choosing your new linens, be sure to select ones that lift your energy and make you smile.
  • Wash your new sheets before placing on your bed. Place your new sheets on your bed immediately after removing from the dryer to minimize wrinkles and crinkles.
  • Give your bedroom some love by dusting, vacuuming, and clearing the clutter in your bedroom.
  • Know that adding a fresh, new, set of sheets to your bed will help you not only get a better night's sleep, but they just may improve your prosperity, your love, and your health.

"Now, That's Good Feng Shui!"

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America's #1 Feng Shui Coach

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"The 8 Most Common Mistakes Women
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