3 Keys To Making The Law Of Attraction Work
Hello and welcome.
My inspiration for writing this article is because there are many people who are struggling to make the law of attraction work for them.
You may have heard about the law of attraction through the movie The Secret, the book, or any other book which discusses the LOA (law of attraction).
I will share with you 3 keys to making the law of attraction work for you to attract the things you truly desire.
I will first talk about the main reasons why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work and I will then show you how to utilize it to get the things you truly want in life.
Why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work.
There are many reasons why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work for most people.
In my opinion there are 2 main reasons why this happens.
People who try to use the law of attraction have 'core limiting beliefs' that actually repel what they want.
They are in the wrong vibrational frequencies that keep them from attracting what they want.
The majority of the populations especially here in the states, were brought up with strong religious beliefs.
Most people are brought up to believe that chasing materialistic wealth is a sin.
Or that rich people are greedy people who are never satisfied.
Or that rich people have a very slim chance of entering heaven.
Or that we should be content with what we have.
What these beliefs do to us is that it creates an image or 'ego' of the person that we should be.
We go through life choosing certain careers, relationships, or jobs that are a match of the image we have of ourselves.
When we decide we want more out of life, we have a little voice inside that tells us, 'Hold on now, we should be happy that we have a job, or the relationship and shouldn't be getting greedy'.
We then try affirmations and visualizing goals and dreams, all to no avail simply because the voice in our head is waging war on our new desires.
We get to a point where we don't even believe what we are saying.
The other reason why the law of attraction doesn't work is simply because we are in the wrong vibrations.
If you are not familiar with this, let me elaborate just a little bit.
Every thought that we ever entertain generates a certain vibrational frequency.
If we hold a negative thought, it creates a slow, and low vibrational frequency.
A positive thought will generate a high, and fast vibrational frequency.
These frequencies are empowered by our emotions.
If we are holding a negative emotion, we empower the low and slow frequency.
But if we hold a positive emotion, then the high vibrational frequencies will be empowered to create a strong vibrational field.
In essence, the law of vibration is the basis of the law of attraction.
We can only attract those things which are in harmony with our vibrations.
Think of it like a radio station.
If you have a favorite station, you will have to dial in to a certain channel or 'frequency'.
If you are not in the right frequency, you cannot listen to your station.
The same goes for attracting; you cannot attract a positive experience if you are in a negative vibration period.
3 Keys To Making The Law Of Attraction work 1.
Forget about affirmations and positive thinking.
Instead, get into positive feelings.
If you want to attract a new job, a new relationship, or money- simply get into the positive feelings of having that thing you want.
Feelings create strong vibrational frequencies, these frequencies go through the Universe and will bring to you people, places, or events that are in vibrational harmony with you.
You simply cannot attract a loving relationship when your vibrations state that the opposite sex is selfish, rude, or have any grudges toward them.
We all have an 'ego' which is the image we have in our minds about who we think we are.
This ego, will actually keep us from getting the things we want because it holds beliefs about how the world works, what God is, and what true love is.
This is where our 'core limiting beliefs' are held.
In order to attract what we want we must either replace our old beliefs about who we think we are.
And we can begin with the fact that we are not who we say we are.
For example, if someone asks you who you are- if anything you may say your name, you may say you're a sales person, a lawyer, a mechanic, a parent whatever.
But in reality, you are a spiritual being in a human body.
Our egos make us believe that we are something else.
Let go of old beliefs and adopt a new set of beliefs that will benefit you in attracting what you want.
Practice holding positive feelings through out the day as much as you can.
Most people have been holding on to negative feelings and beliefs for so long that they have literally created their life according to what they believe even though it isn't a life they want.
If you start holding positive feelings for at least 15 seconds a few times per day, you start generating positive vibrations.
And the more you practice, those few seconds will really add up and changes in your life will start to happen! I hope you have enjoyed reading this article.
My desire is to help people awaken to the fact that you really are a powerful human being with unlimited potential.
If I can help just one person created a change in their life, my mission will be complete.
If you enjoyed please rate this article and share with your friends and family.
Be blessed!
My inspiration for writing this article is because there are many people who are struggling to make the law of attraction work for them.
You may have heard about the law of attraction through the movie The Secret, the book, or any other book which discusses the LOA (law of attraction).
I will share with you 3 keys to making the law of attraction work for you to attract the things you truly desire.
I will first talk about the main reasons why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work and I will then show you how to utilize it to get the things you truly want in life.
Why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work.
There are many reasons why the law of attraction doesn't seem to work for most people.
In my opinion there are 2 main reasons why this happens.
People who try to use the law of attraction have 'core limiting beliefs' that actually repel what they want.
They are in the wrong vibrational frequencies that keep them from attracting what they want.
The majority of the populations especially here in the states, were brought up with strong religious beliefs.
Most people are brought up to believe that chasing materialistic wealth is a sin.
Or that rich people are greedy people who are never satisfied.
Or that rich people have a very slim chance of entering heaven.
Or that we should be content with what we have.
What these beliefs do to us is that it creates an image or 'ego' of the person that we should be.
We go through life choosing certain careers, relationships, or jobs that are a match of the image we have of ourselves.
When we decide we want more out of life, we have a little voice inside that tells us, 'Hold on now, we should be happy that we have a job, or the relationship and shouldn't be getting greedy'.
We then try affirmations and visualizing goals and dreams, all to no avail simply because the voice in our head is waging war on our new desires.
We get to a point where we don't even believe what we are saying.
The other reason why the law of attraction doesn't work is simply because we are in the wrong vibrations.
If you are not familiar with this, let me elaborate just a little bit.
Every thought that we ever entertain generates a certain vibrational frequency.
If we hold a negative thought, it creates a slow, and low vibrational frequency.
A positive thought will generate a high, and fast vibrational frequency.
These frequencies are empowered by our emotions.
If we are holding a negative emotion, we empower the low and slow frequency.
But if we hold a positive emotion, then the high vibrational frequencies will be empowered to create a strong vibrational field.
In essence, the law of vibration is the basis of the law of attraction.
We can only attract those things which are in harmony with our vibrations.
Think of it like a radio station.
If you have a favorite station, you will have to dial in to a certain channel or 'frequency'.
If you are not in the right frequency, you cannot listen to your station.
The same goes for attracting; you cannot attract a positive experience if you are in a negative vibration period.
3 Keys To Making The Law Of Attraction work 1.
Forget about affirmations and positive thinking.
Instead, get into positive feelings.
If you want to attract a new job, a new relationship, or money- simply get into the positive feelings of having that thing you want.
Feelings create strong vibrational frequencies, these frequencies go through the Universe and will bring to you people, places, or events that are in vibrational harmony with you.
You simply cannot attract a loving relationship when your vibrations state that the opposite sex is selfish, rude, or have any grudges toward them.
We all have an 'ego' which is the image we have in our minds about who we think we are.
This ego, will actually keep us from getting the things we want because it holds beliefs about how the world works, what God is, and what true love is.
This is where our 'core limiting beliefs' are held.
In order to attract what we want we must either replace our old beliefs about who we think we are.
And we can begin with the fact that we are not who we say we are.
For example, if someone asks you who you are- if anything you may say your name, you may say you're a sales person, a lawyer, a mechanic, a parent whatever.
But in reality, you are a spiritual being in a human body.
Our egos make us believe that we are something else.
Let go of old beliefs and adopt a new set of beliefs that will benefit you in attracting what you want.
Practice holding positive feelings through out the day as much as you can.
Most people have been holding on to negative feelings and beliefs for so long that they have literally created their life according to what they believe even though it isn't a life they want.
If you start holding positive feelings for at least 15 seconds a few times per day, you start generating positive vibrations.
And the more you practice, those few seconds will really add up and changes in your life will start to happen! I hope you have enjoyed reading this article.
My desire is to help people awaken to the fact that you really are a powerful human being with unlimited potential.
If I can help just one person created a change in their life, my mission will be complete.
If you enjoyed please rate this article and share with your friends and family.
Be blessed!