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Raise The Level Of Your Leadership

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This might just be my shortest post ever...
? If you are ready to raise your own performance level and you are looking for the quickest way to do it then there are only 3 easy steps you need to follow.
What are they? OBSERVATION - EDUCATION - APPLICATION OBSERVATION The simple act of observing what other people or other teams do is a very powerful way of further developing your own skill sets.
More powerful is assessing whether their methods generate the results you want to get for yourself and how this impacts on them or other members of their team.
Notice what works and what doesn't.
View the way they communicate.
The way they interact.
The systems they use to push through the challenges and roadblocks that we all come across.
What do they do when the going gets tough? EDUCATION The next step is to get educated on how they get the results they get.
What is their mindset? What is it specifically that has allowed them to move to a higher performance level in their profession? Who did they look to for some inspiration and guidance? Always remembering that once upon a time they were in exactly the same position that you were...
one step below where they really wanted to be! the process of education may be as simple as asking them for 10 minutes of their time to ask them what they have done to get where you want to go.
Perhaps all it takes is to read a book about someone you admire or to listen to a CD in your car? Whatever it is that will give you an insight into how other people have raised their game, DO THAT...
APPLICATION The final step is to apply those lessons into your own performance.
Did you know that 95% of people that attend any type of seminar or conference will do NOTHING with the information they receive there! As humans we are great at gathering information but very poor at actually doing something with that information.
The best ideas in the world are nothing if they stay on the couch.
When you have observed a performance trait that will help you to raise your game and got yourself educated on how you can do it too then USE IT for yourself or your team to generate higher success in your chosen field of performance.
There may be a process of adaptation to better suit your needs but make it a part of what you do NOW...
adopt it as your own.
Now who is it that's already doing what you want to be doing? Identify them...
observe them...
learn about them...
then do the same OBSERVATION - EDUCATION - APPLICATION All it takes is 3 easy steps and you can be playing a whole new ball game...
So, are you ready to RAISE YOUR GAME? Here's to Higher Success...

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