Road To Change - Are You Bitter Or Getting Better?
I'm quite sure we can all agree that change certainly is an inevitable part of life. But why then does it seem to be human nature to resist change? Do you find yourself becoming bitter or getting better about the changes going on now in your life?
The only reason change becomes painful or an irritant is due to the holding onto of "stuff." People tend to hold onto a kinds of things; negative memories; hurtful words; useless household items; vast amounts of personal items they never use; outdated ideas; toxic relationships; pictures in their minds of the way others should be.
This need for the comfort of familiarity through the acquiring of "stuff" tends to prevail mainly in western society, an often false sense of security until some major or minor catastrophe occurs. At this point the impermanence of life really hits home, the iron grip over their stuff is forced to be released and many then become grateful at the mere fact of simply just being alive.
How then can one embrace change allowing their life to get better instead of becoming bitter about the circumstances they find? Not wait for some catastrophe to spur them into making needed changes? This 3 step process does require you do some inner work which will eventually penetrate to the outer stage of your life.
Step 1, begins in the mind. The mind is the pilot of your ship. It takes you wherever you allow it to go, whether on auto-pilot or not. Your mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven. It allows you to accumulate all this stuff and hold onto it, only releasing when you tell it, it is safe to do so or when fear forces you to.
Begin by cleaning out the house of your mind. Keep in mind that your thoughts about the events in your life is what makes you suffer and not the actual event itself, remembering this will help get you started.
Here is my 1-2 release for the mind:
1) Ask yourself, "Why is this change disturbing my life so?
2) What do I want now?
Consider this...
When the seasons change from spring to summer or from fall to winter, one does not become fearful that spring will never return again. You just change the wardrobe in your closet, prepare your car and adjust the thermostat in your home accordingly. The change becomes almost seamless even thou you may prefer one season over another.
Step 2, begins in the body. The body is the vessel piloted by your mind. It is used to carry you through your entire life. In most eastern cultures it is rightly considered the temple. When our mind considers change to be stressful, the body develops diseases of all kinds, whether it be as simple as a cold or the flu or more complicated as in obesity, addictions or cancer.
Begin by cleaning out the temple of your body. Keep in mind that a healthy body is a happy body. Make time to laugh, walk, dance, sing, hug, touch and share more with others.
Here is my 1-2 release for the body:
1) Sit or stand in front of the largest mirror you can find and stare at yourself.
2) While looking into your own eyes, repeat this statement again and again, "I love you and it shows in everything I do."
Consider this...
When given the proper balance of food, rest, exercise and positive thoughts the body has an innate ability to heal itself from all disease.
Step 3, begins in the spirit. The spirit is you minus your ego. Imagine you wake up tomorrow with amnesia and remember absolutely nothing about your life or who you think you are up to this very point. The remainder of what's left is your spirit, the driver of your soul. The spirit does not fear change. Spirit knows that you can be, have, or do anything you want. It is only your ego that holds onto all that old "stuff."
Here is my 1-2 release for the spirit:
1) Get quiet, find some time alone.
2) Now ask yourself, "What would I do if I were not afraid?" It may take a few minutes, a few hours or a few days for the answer to come, but listen for it.
Consider this...
Tibetan Buddhist Lamas create art called dul-tson-kyil-khor. This is where the lamas take millions and millions of grains of colored sand and painstakingly lay them into an outline of a mandala using a traditional metal funnel known as a chak-pur. This process can take a period of days or weeks to complete. Once finished this beautifully magnificent artwork is usually destroyed by the lamas shortly after their completion. This is done as a metaphor of the impermanence of life.
So, when at the point of feeling bitter about your life, release that "stuff" from your mind, body and spirit. It will right you on the winding road of change through your life and reveal that all of life is a constant change.
Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla Parham
The only reason change becomes painful or an irritant is due to the holding onto of "stuff." People tend to hold onto a kinds of things; negative memories; hurtful words; useless household items; vast amounts of personal items they never use; outdated ideas; toxic relationships; pictures in their minds of the way others should be.
This need for the comfort of familiarity through the acquiring of "stuff" tends to prevail mainly in western society, an often false sense of security until some major or minor catastrophe occurs. At this point the impermanence of life really hits home, the iron grip over their stuff is forced to be released and many then become grateful at the mere fact of simply just being alive.
How then can one embrace change allowing their life to get better instead of becoming bitter about the circumstances they find? Not wait for some catastrophe to spur them into making needed changes? This 3 step process does require you do some inner work which will eventually penetrate to the outer stage of your life.
Step 1, begins in the mind. The mind is the pilot of your ship. It takes you wherever you allow it to go, whether on auto-pilot or not. Your mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven. It allows you to accumulate all this stuff and hold onto it, only releasing when you tell it, it is safe to do so or when fear forces you to.
Begin by cleaning out the house of your mind. Keep in mind that your thoughts about the events in your life is what makes you suffer and not the actual event itself, remembering this will help get you started.
Here is my 1-2 release for the mind:
1) Ask yourself, "Why is this change disturbing my life so?
2) What do I want now?
Consider this...
When the seasons change from spring to summer or from fall to winter, one does not become fearful that spring will never return again. You just change the wardrobe in your closet, prepare your car and adjust the thermostat in your home accordingly. The change becomes almost seamless even thou you may prefer one season over another.
Step 2, begins in the body. The body is the vessel piloted by your mind. It is used to carry you through your entire life. In most eastern cultures it is rightly considered the temple. When our mind considers change to be stressful, the body develops diseases of all kinds, whether it be as simple as a cold or the flu or more complicated as in obesity, addictions or cancer.
Begin by cleaning out the temple of your body. Keep in mind that a healthy body is a happy body. Make time to laugh, walk, dance, sing, hug, touch and share more with others.
Here is my 1-2 release for the body:
1) Sit or stand in front of the largest mirror you can find and stare at yourself.
2) While looking into your own eyes, repeat this statement again and again, "I love you and it shows in everything I do."
Consider this...
When given the proper balance of food, rest, exercise and positive thoughts the body has an innate ability to heal itself from all disease.
Step 3, begins in the spirit. The spirit is you minus your ego. Imagine you wake up tomorrow with amnesia and remember absolutely nothing about your life or who you think you are up to this very point. The remainder of what's left is your spirit, the driver of your soul. The spirit does not fear change. Spirit knows that you can be, have, or do anything you want. It is only your ego that holds onto all that old "stuff."
Here is my 1-2 release for the spirit:
1) Get quiet, find some time alone.
2) Now ask yourself, "What would I do if I were not afraid?" It may take a few minutes, a few hours or a few days for the answer to come, but listen for it.
Consider this...
Tibetan Buddhist Lamas create art called dul-tson-kyil-khor. This is where the lamas take millions and millions of grains of colored sand and painstakingly lay them into an outline of a mandala using a traditional metal funnel known as a chak-pur. This process can take a period of days or weeks to complete. Once finished this beautifully magnificent artwork is usually destroyed by the lamas shortly after their completion. This is done as a metaphor of the impermanence of life.
So, when at the point of feeling bitter about your life, release that "stuff" from your mind, body and spirit. It will right you on the winding road of change through your life and reveal that all of life is a constant change.
Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla Parham