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Use Self-Hypnosis To Be More Youthful

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Today, I want to give you a brilliant technique that you can apply to start getting your body to behave and feel more and more youthful! Eight Steps To Create A Blueprint For Youth In Your Brain: Step One: Find a comfortable place where you are going to be undisturbed and where you can relax.
Take a nice deeper breath and as you exhale, allow your eyes to be comfortably closed so that you can drift inside your mind.
Continue to take some nice deep breaths, then allow your body to breathe without your conscious interference.
As I often say, use any self-hypnosis technique you know, or a meditative process or a relaxation method you are familiar with to get yourself into a receptive state - ideally go get my self-hypnosis book and learn how to really do it.
You want to develop such a state of receptivity whereby you can allow your mind to access the innate wisdom within that can communicate with the cells in your body and for our purposes today - rejuvenate on a very deep level.
Imagine deepening your relaxation and minds receptivity with each breath that you exhale, be an observer of your experience without consciously involving yourself in the process too much at this stage.
Just get settled, breathe naturally, observe your thoughts and let them quiet down before moving on to the next step.
Step Two: Today, you are going to take a journey down into your body to wherever it is that that rejuvenating wisdom resides in your body, to access all of the information that is the communication on the cellular level that makes these changes deeply and profoundly within your body.
As a simple way to deepen your experience, count backwards from 10 to 1 and imagine that with each number you let your mind and body relax further, you might even like to imagine you are walking down stairs and with each number you take another step deeper on the staircase to the basement of your relaxation.
Step Three: At this stage, imagine that you are journeying deeper inside yourself.
Which is what you are actually doing.
However, make it more vivid in whatever way is right for you; using your imagination.
As you imagine journeying further inside yourself, through the darkness, or the colours, or the flashes of images and activity in your mind, imagine that in front of you is a doorway of some kind, or maybe a passageway of some sort.
Interpret this in the way hat is right for you.
You may visualise it, you may just sense it is there, you may imagine a doorway - just accept that whatever and however you do this, is right for you.
Shortly, you are going to open that doorway.
Imagine that when you do so, you are opening the doorway to the rejuvenation room, a place that is at the core of you.
You want to be accessing the wisdom that rejuvenates your body and mind, that creates a most optimum state of youthfulness and well-being.
Your unconscious mind knows how to access that place.
Just trust that it knows how to go through that door, that passageway, so when you feel ready to do so, step right into that room.
This is the place where you are going to access all of the resources, to know what it takes to rejuvenate, to create youthful cells, to generate the sense of being that feels youthful, vigorous, playful, and healthy.
Step into that place and move on to the next step.
Step Four: Now that you have stepped through to that central, special place, take this time now to tune into your physiology - as if you are floating and moving through parts of your body, you may be discovering or observing the areas of your body that regulate blood flow, cell growth, tissue growth, muscle growth, or perhaps you find a control room that controls everything that happens in your physical body.
Tune into your physical self.
With your mind's eye, feel it, sense it, hear it, see it, and discover how your body feels.
In these moments, simply get a sense of your entire physical being.
Allow your mind to experience a connection; that you are connected, emotionally, mentally, energetically, spiritually, with all of the cells in your body, creating a wonderful harmony and connection with all of the cells in your body.
Step Five: As you continue to enjoy this connection with yourself, just imagine that deep in your inner mind there is a blueprint for youthfulness.
This is the best blueprint for you at this time of your life.
You are not going through or into your past, you are just connecting with the blueprint of the way that your brain used to be or used to function when you were healthy and youthful.
Allow your mind to go back and find the blueprint of the condition of your brain when you were at your most youthful, vibrant, fun-loving and healthy state.
Allow your mind to do this entire process unconsciously while you are an observer.
When your unconscious mind has found that, let it scan through the blueprint and unconsciously record all of the information of the condition of your brain at that time and the condition or the blueprint of your brain at that time has all of the information of your healthy body, of the condition of all of the cells in your body at that time at the most healthy and vigorous state.
Although you do not consciously go into the past with your awareness, you just let your unconscious get the information, as your unconscious mind accesses that information you may actually experience some physical sensations of feeling very healthy, youthful, playful and very energized, almost as if your body and mind are working in perfect harmony and unison.
Just enjoy that.
Step Six: So now when your unconscious mind has found that time and that condition, let it record that blueprint and to record the blueprint of the brain that holds all of the information of everything in the body, the condition of the cells, the cellular renewal and regeneration, the healthy condition of the muscles, the tissues, the skin, of everything in the body, of all the organs when it has recorded that information as a blueprint.
When that has happened, allow your unconscious mind to take that blueprint and compare it to the blueprint of your brain now, as it is today.
Just allow your unconscious mind to take that blueprint information of your youthful state and then compare it to the blueprint information of your brain and all of the recorded information about the state of your body and your brain now.
Let your mind compare and contrast the two.
When the unconscious mind has completed that comparison and taken into account all of the aspects of the differences in those two blueprints, then you are in a position to ask your unconscious mind to make some changes.
Step Seven: Now comes the important part...
Ask your unconscious mind to find the healthiest way - that is in harmony with your physical, mental, and emotional body to restore the condition of youthfulness (and in an appropriate manner) to your blueprint of today.
Just ask it, or instruct it to apply the youthful blueprint to your brain at this time.
Install all the good, youthful elements to your brain today! So taking the old blueprint of health and youth, and applying it now to the current blueprint of your brain and allowing it to merge and make those changes now, to let the blueprint for youth and health integrate, change, and replace the blueprint that is currently in your brain.
Trust that your unconscious mind knows how to do this and only does this in a way that is in harmony with your well-being.
Now spend some time relaxing and integrating what you have done.
Step Eight: Once you are sure that you have integrated all you need from this session of personal development, open your eyes, wiggles you toes and fingers and go about your day.
Make a choice today to act with a renewed youthfulness - play, joke, laugh and observe the world with the awe, excitement and joy that you once did.
You see, at times, we allow things to get stale and allow our sense of being to stagnate; have some youthful fun and games and inject some spirit of youth into your life.
I guarantee you'll love it!

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