The Magnetic Effect of Aiming High to Obtain Your Desires!
Psychiatrists treat people all the time that cripple themselves with limitations and preprogrammed boundaries in their mind.
These people can be identified by such thoughts like " I can never do that" or " I am not talented enough.
" As long as that self-limiting program is played in their mind, they will never accomplish much with manifesting their true desires.
Their thoughts are primarily focused on their limitations so that is exactly what they draw into their reality.
This limits them abundantly to directing their focus on very high goals.
They tend to get caught up early on in the manifesting process, on centering their attention on probable problems and obstacles thus giving up in manifesting their goals before they make any real attempt.
Aiming high is the ability and will to disregard the strategy of how to manifest a goal while determining the goal.
For example, an auto mechanic can not get his creative juices flowing enough to completely restore a classic car if he is tied down with thinking about fixing the flat, repairing the muffler, replacing the cracked windshield, fixing brakes, sanding small rust spots, etc.
The little jobs become overwhelming and get in the way of his thinking.
He can't imagine the beautifully painted and waxed masterpiece if he fixes his focus on all the little jobs at once.
You need to do only one thing to Aim high! That is to determine your goal first, without worrying about the strategy of how to achieve them! All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their aim on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible...
Orison Swett Marden said that, and he was right.
When you dream big, it has a tremendous Magnetic effect to obtaining your desires because when doing so, you communicate to the Universe that you're trusting it's power to take care of the details.
That my friend, is Pure Faith!
These people can be identified by such thoughts like " I can never do that" or " I am not talented enough.
" As long as that self-limiting program is played in their mind, they will never accomplish much with manifesting their true desires.
Their thoughts are primarily focused on their limitations so that is exactly what they draw into their reality.
This limits them abundantly to directing their focus on very high goals.
They tend to get caught up early on in the manifesting process, on centering their attention on probable problems and obstacles thus giving up in manifesting their goals before they make any real attempt.
Aiming high is the ability and will to disregard the strategy of how to manifest a goal while determining the goal.
For example, an auto mechanic can not get his creative juices flowing enough to completely restore a classic car if he is tied down with thinking about fixing the flat, repairing the muffler, replacing the cracked windshield, fixing brakes, sanding small rust spots, etc.
The little jobs become overwhelming and get in the way of his thinking.
He can't imagine the beautifully painted and waxed masterpiece if he fixes his focus on all the little jobs at once.
You need to do only one thing to Aim high! That is to determine your goal first, without worrying about the strategy of how to achieve them! All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their aim on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible...
Orison Swett Marden said that, and he was right.
When you dream big, it has a tremendous Magnetic effect to obtaining your desires because when doing so, you communicate to the Universe that you're trusting it's power to take care of the details.
That my friend, is Pure Faith!