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Changing Your Flow of Thoughts

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While you are reading this I do not want you to think about your shoes (or your feet if your not wearing shoes).
Through the entire article never at any time are you to think of the color, style or fit of your shoes nor the temperature or feel of your feet.
Why such a ridiculous way to start this article - well to prove a point.
The first thing most of you did, of course, was think about your shoes or your feet.
Even though you were specifically instructed not to, you did it for at least a moment.
That is how the human mind works.
When you consciously attempt not to think of a specific thought, you'll generally think of it between 6 and 15 times in a 5-minute period.
This works in the realm of negative thoughts as well.
Focusing your power on trying not to think negative thoughts can and will prompt negative thinking.
View thinking as a flowing stream of water, actually its more like a strong river.
The current starts off as a trickle and builds into a rushing power that can erode the very earth it winds though.
You thoughts are much like this river in that you cannot stop them.
You can however change the flow to your advantage.
Changing the flow of your thoughts is possible, stopping them is not.
Changing the flow from negative to positive will keep that river of thought from eroding deep, dark, dismal ravines into your attitude, and into your life.
You can think discouraging, disheartening and depressing things to yourself; or you can think inspiring, motivating and rousing things to yourself, but again you will not be able to stop thinking things to yourself all together.
So instead of attempting to build a dam for your river of thoughts, channel and direct them in the way you WANT them to go.
How?That is a good question, and in it hides the answer.
You channel your thoughts in the direction you desire with, questions.
However, your questions have to be empowering questions.
You will cause yourself more harm than good by asking, "Why do I always get the projects nobody else wants?" You want to ask a question or questions that will move you forward and empower you to take action.
Like: "How can I accomplish this project and enjoy the process?"Now you have directed any negative thinking to a more positive flow.
This positive flow will encourage action and give you results.
If you are tackling a big problem ask questions like, "How can I break this down into workable steps?" "How can I solve the first step, the second step and so on?" Or "What is the first action to resolving this first step and so on?" Should you be going through a "bad" experience -- if there is such a thing, for while we have experiences we don't enjoy, are they truly BAD in the long run? Don't we gain valuable knowledge and experience we can apply later? But I digress.
Let us get back to the topic at hand.
If you are going through a "bad" experience, then channel your flow with questions like; "What can I learn from this experience?" "How can I grow from this experience?""How can I keep this from happening to me again?""How can I make lemonade out of this lemon?"(Remember Velcro was actually a failed experiment so was the glue that now is used on Post-It Notes - both of these lemons have become sweet profitable lemonade for the inventors and their companies) Now that you have asked your question(s) really let your mind run with it.
Don't just ask the question once, ask it again and again.
Whenever you have a minute of spare time or when your alone driving home, seriously mull over the question and let your mind turn over to you the ideas and actions that will bring you to the positive results of changing your flow of thought.
(Oh, and remember don't think about your shoes!) Think Successfully & Take Action.
Tracy http://www.
(C) Tracy Brinkmann 2000-2005 all rights reserved

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