Program Yourself for Success - Download Subliminals
Subliminal messages are being used all the time.
Subliminal simply means below the awareness of the conscious mind.
So to an extent, any message or information which bypasses your conscious mind and reaches your subconscious mind could be deemed subliminal.
Subliminal adverts get us to buy things by appealing subconsciously to our deeper human needs such as survival, reproduction and security.
If they can communicate to us a feeling of one or many of these needs and associate it with their products, we will be subconsciously drawn to their wares.
Even if it is years later when we eventually buy, the advertising has still done its job by successfully planting their icon within our deep subconscious mind.
The same thing can be done for your own positive ends.
We are thinking creatures and it is the nature of our thoughts which creates our realities.
If we can learn to think differently then we can be capable of much more than our current lives permit.
To change our lives, therefore, we must change our thoughts.
From the Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, it says "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
" We have been taught to think in a certain way since we were very small.
The very nature of our thinking habits gives us security, one of our deepest human needs.
If we change our thinking we might feel as though we are losing our security so we tend to hold on to thoughts which do not necessarily help us in life sometimes.
There are several tools we can use to help us change our thinking.
Once we realize that our programming comes from our parents and those around us, and their programing came from their parents and so on, we can begin to see that the world can be viewed in many ways.
Our 'way' is not necessarily the 'only' or the 'correct' way, merely our 'programming.
' To reach our subconscious mind without any unnecessary resistance we can use subliminal messages.
Subliminal messages work by making suggestions at such a frequency as to be invisible to the awareness.
However, the subconscious picks it up and it is stored there.
The famous case in 1957 of James Vicary, who played subliminal messages to a movie theater, shows the use of subliminal advertising in moving pictures.
He claimed to increase sales of popcorn and cola after playing the suggestions at such a rate as to not be consciously perceived by the audience.
Subliminal simply means below the awareness of the conscious mind.
So to an extent, any message or information which bypasses your conscious mind and reaches your subconscious mind could be deemed subliminal.
Subliminal adverts get us to buy things by appealing subconsciously to our deeper human needs such as survival, reproduction and security.
If they can communicate to us a feeling of one or many of these needs and associate it with their products, we will be subconsciously drawn to their wares.
Even if it is years later when we eventually buy, the advertising has still done its job by successfully planting their icon within our deep subconscious mind.
The same thing can be done for your own positive ends.
We are thinking creatures and it is the nature of our thoughts which creates our realities.
If we can learn to think differently then we can be capable of much more than our current lives permit.
To change our lives, therefore, we must change our thoughts.
From the Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, it says "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
" We have been taught to think in a certain way since we were very small.
The very nature of our thinking habits gives us security, one of our deepest human needs.
If we change our thinking we might feel as though we are losing our security so we tend to hold on to thoughts which do not necessarily help us in life sometimes.
There are several tools we can use to help us change our thinking.
Once we realize that our programming comes from our parents and those around us, and their programing came from their parents and so on, we can begin to see that the world can be viewed in many ways.
Our 'way' is not necessarily the 'only' or the 'correct' way, merely our 'programming.
' To reach our subconscious mind without any unnecessary resistance we can use subliminal messages.
Subliminal messages work by making suggestions at such a frequency as to be invisible to the awareness.
However, the subconscious picks it up and it is stored there.
The famous case in 1957 of James Vicary, who played subliminal messages to a movie theater, shows the use of subliminal advertising in moving pictures.
He claimed to increase sales of popcorn and cola after playing the suggestions at such a rate as to not be consciously perceived by the audience.