Idly By
Idle means not moving or no good coming from.
When we sit idly by or listen to idle gossip, usually no good comes from it.
It is easy to be idle because taking action requires movement.
Taking action requires standing up for what you believe is right.
Taking action requires getting out of a comfort zone that feels so good that we don't want to give it up.
Here is one thing the Bible says about idle gossip.
Proverbs 21:23 "If you keep your mouth shut, you will stay out of trouble.
" There are times to talk and there are times to listen.
But there are also times to walk away.
When we hear others talking about someone else, it is not a good time to stand around and listen.
Idle gossip is like a fire that spreads across the land doing damage as it goes.
We hear about idle gossip when someone says something about another and we don't really know if it's true or not.
So the best thing is to not listen.
The Bible says in Proverbs 12:11 "Hard work means prosperity; only fools idle away their time.
" When we hear the phrase about sitting idly by while things happen, it is not a good thing.
People who watch without taking action don't get near as much done as those who choose to take action.
Idle hands are the devils workshop so we need to be sure we are busy doing the Lord's work and not be idle so that our mind and hearts begin to wander to the things of the world.
Are you sitting idly by? Are you listening to idle gossip without taking a stand against it? Are you letting things happen or making things happen? Are you involved in the talk but not the action? Let's not be idle in our talk or in our action.
Decide now to get up and get moving in the right direction.
When we sit idly by or listen to idle gossip, usually no good comes from it.
It is easy to be idle because taking action requires movement.
Taking action requires standing up for what you believe is right.
Taking action requires getting out of a comfort zone that feels so good that we don't want to give it up.
Here is one thing the Bible says about idle gossip.
Proverbs 21:23 "If you keep your mouth shut, you will stay out of trouble.
" There are times to talk and there are times to listen.
But there are also times to walk away.
When we hear others talking about someone else, it is not a good time to stand around and listen.
Idle gossip is like a fire that spreads across the land doing damage as it goes.
We hear about idle gossip when someone says something about another and we don't really know if it's true or not.
So the best thing is to not listen.
The Bible says in Proverbs 12:11 "Hard work means prosperity; only fools idle away their time.
" When we hear the phrase about sitting idly by while things happen, it is not a good thing.
People who watch without taking action don't get near as much done as those who choose to take action.
Idle hands are the devils workshop so we need to be sure we are busy doing the Lord's work and not be idle so that our mind and hearts begin to wander to the things of the world.
Are you sitting idly by? Are you listening to idle gossip without taking a stand against it? Are you letting things happen or making things happen? Are you involved in the talk but not the action? Let's not be idle in our talk or in our action.
Decide now to get up and get moving in the right direction.