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How to Experience the Bliss of Samadhi

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Are you ready for a powerful spiritual experience that will transform your entire life? Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word that literally means "the bliss from transcending the mind".
Samadhi is a state of perfect "clear seeing" that recognizes the Divine within yourself, in everything around you, and in every person you meet.
The state of Samadhi is a profound spiritual experience where you explore deep joy, expansive feelings of lightness, love, connection to the Divine and enlightenment.
It is unique from other paths on the spiritual quest in that it goes directly to the Source of pure consciousness and remains there.
Samadhi is the highest spiritual experience you can have.
It opens you up to your most enlightened self who is free from worry, fear and any attachment to this world.
One who is living their life in Samadhi Consciousness feels only love, oneness, and peace within every experience they have.
When you receive your first taste of Samadhi there is a deep knowing that all is one, and that "oneness" is at the core of who you are.
Enlightenment is not about imagining figures of light, But of making the darkness conscious! ~ Carl Jung
In Samadhi, there is such a tremendous feeling of bliss because there is truly no inner judge or discriminatory mind present.
There may be thoughts that pass through the mind, yet you are no longer clinging onto them.
One who has entered the state of Samadhi discovers a deep personal, intimate merging with the Divine Being within themselves, and as well within everyone they meet.
The ego within others and yourself is easily seen and transcended in Samadhi Consciousness.
You are truly unified, connected, and at peace with everyone in the Universe on every level.
You experience an eternally expanding realization that this world and your ego is not real, and that the real you (the soul, spirit and divine essence) is who you truly are and will never die.
To reach Samadhi, it takes a profound state of constant deep surrender to the Divine.
By relaxing into each and every experience you'll discover the pure consciousness that is not attached to any thought, feeling, or idea.
By surrendering to this consciousness you will eventually arrive at a state of bliss.
You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality is within your own dwelling.
The Truth is here! Until you have found God in your own Soul, the whole world will seem meaningless to you.
~ Kabir
Life is truly amazing in Samadhi consciousness.
Anything is truly possible in this divine spiritually enlightened connection when we realize that WE ARE ONE with the Universe.
You have the power to create.
Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true.
~ Don Miguel Ruiz
Samadhi can happen to anyone who is devoted to finding the Truth of who they really are.
The divine spiritual essence is within you now in this moment.
The mind however can be very addicted to patterns of seeing yourself and the world, and may require the focus of a Guru, spiritual teacher, and/or deep inner devotion to self-inquiry to unravel itself and find this permanent state of freedom.
The untrained mind is like a wild caged animal who is unable to trust, relax and remain at peace for even 10 seconds.
In Samadhi consciousness the mind is trained to be here now, so there is no mind chatter.
Your mind is completely at ease with life, fully in the present moment, and truly free from worry and concern.
Problems from your past become illusory issues which you realize you were always free from the appearance of their grasp.
Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive! And then go and do that.
Because what the world needs is people who are truly alive.
~ Harold Whitman
In Samadhi consciousness you are so completely free, and unlimited that all things are possible to you.
It's not just that they "seem" possible, they ARE possible.
Your mind-body's vibration is so high that your ability to manifest is truly unstoppable.
The wildest thing is that this ever-expanding state of bliss is available within you right now.
If you are open to exploring what this magical state is like, the guided meditation below will take you on a journey to drop through the mind chatter so that you may get a taste of this highest state of consciousness.

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