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Quick, Simple Ways to Recharge

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Meditate or Pray: Taking time to be still and quiet, and to reconnect can do wonders for the spirit.
Journal: I journal most days, even if it's only for a few minutes.
I write down my visualization exercises and then I write down at least 5 things that I am thankful for right then.
Thank Someone: A few times a week I randomly pick someone who I am thankful for and/or inspired by and just send a little note or email.
I find that my effort to lift someone else's spirits lifts mine too.
Movement: Yoga, pilates, or dancing.
I turn on iTunes and exercise or dance with my kids.
It can really relieve stress.
The days when I least feel like doing this are the days when I need to the most.
If I can just make myself move I find I feel much better the rest of the day.
Quiet Time: Sometimes I light a candle and just sit and read quietly from my Bible or an inspirational book.
Bubbles: Yes, I know this is a stereotype, but it works.
If I'm lucky and the kids are all asleep I'll give myself 5 or 10 minutes in the bath to relax with bubbles and just work to clear my mind of all the stress.
Coffee (aka Reward Yourself): I purchase frappucino mix and make them at home as a treat when I'm particularly stressed.
Use something you love as a reward for surviving your day.
Foot Massage or Reflexology: Giving yourself a foot massage or doing reflexology on your feet can really boost your energy level.
Energize with your Nose: I find certain essential oils to be energizing as well - peppermint, lemon, or orange oils work for me.
Some people like pine or rosemary or thyme to energize.
Identify and Attack: A few days ago I was really stressed and I cleaned out a closet.
As strange as that might sound, I identified that I was feeling "out of control" about a particular situation, and so by doing something that helped me feel organized and in control I resolved that feeling, and then was able to focus on work.
Write it Down: Making a "to do" list before bed helps me sleep better because I don't worry that I'll forget something that way.
It also lets me easily rank what's important, and what I can let go of, and that helps me feel more focused and energized.
Support Group or Coach: Sometimes we all need a little support and encouragement.
One of the things that helps me tremendously is when I have a session with my business coach.
Just the listening ear, outside perspective, and relentless positivity is so inspiring.
I really questioned it before I gave it a try, but I can say that this is one of the best business decisions I've made.
The accountability doesn't hurt either when I need to motivate myself to action.
Knowing someone else is going to ask if I made positive steps this month is a good motivator.
But more than that it's really recharging to get out what's going on, what's going wrong, what's going right and have someone there to help you through it.
So get a coach! Or find a sounding board.
Talk to a friend or colleague about being accountability partners.
Surround yourself with support and you'll find comfort and inspiration.

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