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The Reason Is the Power Behind the Goal

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There is always someone around to tell you what you should be doing and what your goals should be.
The crucial question is, "What do you, with the emphasis on "you," want to accomplish?" Many people make the mistake of believing their goal is the end destination.
It's not.
Your reason for setting that goal is what is most important.
Let's say you want to lose 30 pounds by a certain date.
That's a great goal and I'm sure there are hundreds if not millions of others who want to achieve the same thing...
including me.
Most won't.
The key to accomplishment is tapping into the motivation behind your goals.
If you don't have any passion pushing you to lose that weight it's not going to happen.
It doesn't matter what the reason for the passion is.
It's just important that you have it.
What may be important for you will not be anywhere near the top of the list for another.
Try this little exercise.
First state a goal.
I'm not really interested in you getting it in the proper format (concrete, present tense, achievable, with a date it will be done).
I just want you to state your general goal.
It could be losing weight, being in a relationship, making more money...
whatever you want.
Now answer this question.
"When I have achieved this, what will that give me?" If I apply that to weight loss, I might reply, "I'll look better in my clothes.
" Now ask the same question, but apply it to your previous answer.
"If I look better in my clothes, what will that give me?" The response to that may be, "People will notice me.
" Again, delve more deeply into the question.
"If people notice me, what will that get me?" Whatever your answer is, keep repeating the question until you can't go any further or until you get the "Ah-ha" moment.
When you find your true reason for what you want to accomplish, you will be able to move yourself forward more easily.
Now that you have your true motivation you continually remind yourself of what you are aiming for and why you are doing so.
Because it is so easy to get sidetracked it is important to keep your goal and your motivation "in you face" as often as you can.
Have this written on a piece of paper and read it 3 times, 3 times a day.
Evaluate your actions upon whether or not what you are doing, or want to do, will more you closer to your goal.
Accomplishing anything worthwhile in life takes time, effort and determination.
It requires a strength of will that few people have.
Find your strength and go for it.

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