Working for a passionate story be inconsiderate of award
Working for a passionate story be inconsiderate of award
Fortunate are those who minds are knocked by a story that earnestly seeks it actualization through them… that story may correspond to any field and to any person; it does not matter… when it happens to anyone than that person does not wait to become a perfectionist instead he or she unmindful of consequence leaps forward. One of the leading entrepreneurs of these times once said that you are not required to be an expert to initiate upon any enterprise; the need is that you should be passionate about a story and start working upon it with all confidence the rest is taken care by the unseen world around us…
I really do not doubt upon his words… Grammy awards are in the air these days… look back upon couple years that passed and become a witness to the Grammy awards decorated upon excellent artist pertaining to various streams of entertainment. Trace their antecedents and you shall find that they never knew; that on one day they shall enjoin with the field of entertainment (forget about the Grammy award they received)… some event appeared before them and simply pushed them towards their respective field. The only part they can express is that… the day they found themselves in that field (entertainment or other respective field) they felt that it was them and they just immersed into it… as it is generally said that ‘from thereon there was no looking back'.
Many among us have heard the recorded speech of Steve job who vehemently proposed that every human being must search for his story (his words were different but the essence contained in his lines was the same)… he went on further by saying that one should not rest unless he or she concludes with the one that one is born for… and yes that he also said that he himself i.e. Steve Jobs was fortunate enough to find his own story at an early age and it enabled him cover enough distance in his life. What Steve said is correct that with few their story appears at an early age but with most it does not happen so soon… and with most when their story i.e. the one they are born for does not appear before them- they then forget about it and become totally engrossed into mundane sustenance related issues of their life. There is another truth in life that one should admit and that goes; most of us are not aware about searching their own story that should be their core pursuit in life. Who says that cloning is a new science… if we go by observing the psyche of human race the cloning always existed in form of a common response towards life in regard to the ‘thought patterns'… seldom are those who search for their story and become absorbed into it.
The thought for embarking upon the subject of this article indeed is a motivation from the news about Grammy awards… entertainment is one of the field where we find most who advanced that field almost accidently… but whosoever could; whether was awarded or not, was successful on the box office or not… does not matter… what matters most to all of them is that they were able to live the storm at their heart and were deeply comforted that they were able to contribute their 100 percent to the work they performed. We may correspond to any field as occupation, hobby or service; the phenomenon shall remain common that when people find their story therein they unleash their self and reach out the extents of their contribution that otherwise were not possible through any other kind of allurement.
At the end of the day it must be determined that who would die in peace. Obviously the one who could live ones story that one was born for… the one who while involved in his her kind of work never felt the strain or stress instead it was mere optimism that survived them from the gravest disasters. Look for your story. I remember that someone asked me a question during one of my workshop that a suggestion to unravel ones passion or the story one is born for; is indeed inspirational but it does not draw any navigation upon- ‘how to do it?' This question shall always remain validated by those who bear curiosity within. My answer to that gentleman to all those who bear this burning desire within to know about their story; the one they were born for… The fire of quest is the only tool that shall surface their ‘story' atop. The problem is that people do not ignite the quest borne fire within at first level; secondly even if they are able to ignite then they do not sustain for a reasonable period of time; thirdly even if they sustain their quest borne fire within for a considerable period then they do not produce the requisite intensity of fire that can produce the sought results.
Remember for ever; fire can burn everything, every fire cannot burn anything. The domestic fire (cooking) cannot act as a furnace… furnace too is a fire but it exceeds the intensity and scope of the domestic (cooking) fire. Once we understand the fact of nature behind every force then we shall dispense all with justice and so shall happen to the conclusion of the quest borne fire within each being that is restless to know his/hers story that he/she is born for… Dinesh kumar (learning under discipline)
Fortunate are those who minds are knocked by a story that earnestly seeks it actualization through them… that story may correspond to any field and to any person; it does not matter… when it happens to anyone than that person does not wait to become a perfectionist instead he or she unmindful of consequence leaps forward. One of the leading entrepreneurs of these times once said that you are not required to be an expert to initiate upon any enterprise; the need is that you should be passionate about a story and start working upon it with all confidence the rest is taken care by the unseen world around us…
I really do not doubt upon his words… Grammy awards are in the air these days… look back upon couple years that passed and become a witness to the Grammy awards decorated upon excellent artist pertaining to various streams of entertainment. Trace their antecedents and you shall find that they never knew; that on one day they shall enjoin with the field of entertainment (forget about the Grammy award they received)… some event appeared before them and simply pushed them towards their respective field. The only part they can express is that… the day they found themselves in that field (entertainment or other respective field) they felt that it was them and they just immersed into it… as it is generally said that ‘from thereon there was no looking back'.
Many among us have heard the recorded speech of Steve job who vehemently proposed that every human being must search for his story (his words were different but the essence contained in his lines was the same)… he went on further by saying that one should not rest unless he or she concludes with the one that one is born for… and yes that he also said that he himself i.e. Steve Jobs was fortunate enough to find his own story at an early age and it enabled him cover enough distance in his life. What Steve said is correct that with few their story appears at an early age but with most it does not happen so soon… and with most when their story i.e. the one they are born for does not appear before them- they then forget about it and become totally engrossed into mundane sustenance related issues of their life. There is another truth in life that one should admit and that goes; most of us are not aware about searching their own story that should be their core pursuit in life. Who says that cloning is a new science… if we go by observing the psyche of human race the cloning always existed in form of a common response towards life in regard to the ‘thought patterns'… seldom are those who search for their story and become absorbed into it.
The thought for embarking upon the subject of this article indeed is a motivation from the news about Grammy awards… entertainment is one of the field where we find most who advanced that field almost accidently… but whosoever could; whether was awarded or not, was successful on the box office or not… does not matter… what matters most to all of them is that they were able to live the storm at their heart and were deeply comforted that they were able to contribute their 100 percent to the work they performed. We may correspond to any field as occupation, hobby or service; the phenomenon shall remain common that when people find their story therein they unleash their self and reach out the extents of their contribution that otherwise were not possible through any other kind of allurement.
At the end of the day it must be determined that who would die in peace. Obviously the one who could live ones story that one was born for… the one who while involved in his her kind of work never felt the strain or stress instead it was mere optimism that survived them from the gravest disasters. Look for your story. I remember that someone asked me a question during one of my workshop that a suggestion to unravel ones passion or the story one is born for; is indeed inspirational but it does not draw any navigation upon- ‘how to do it?' This question shall always remain validated by those who bear curiosity within. My answer to that gentleman to all those who bear this burning desire within to know about their story; the one they were born for… The fire of quest is the only tool that shall surface their ‘story' atop. The problem is that people do not ignite the quest borne fire within at first level; secondly even if they are able to ignite then they do not sustain for a reasonable period of time; thirdly even if they sustain their quest borne fire within for a considerable period then they do not produce the requisite intensity of fire that can produce the sought results.
Remember for ever; fire can burn everything, every fire cannot burn anything. The domestic fire (cooking) cannot act as a furnace… furnace too is a fire but it exceeds the intensity and scope of the domestic (cooking) fire. Once we understand the fact of nature behind every force then we shall dispense all with justice and so shall happen to the conclusion of the quest borne fire within each being that is restless to know his/hers story that he/she is born for… Dinesh kumar (learning under discipline)