Lighting Up the World - Your Light is Essential and Here"s Why
I believe that faith ranks among the greatest gifts available to Humanity; as, it is the way by which one is able to create, demonstrate and experience something new.
Thankfully, this spiritual concept is now a well-established fact in our physical sciences: and it has been a Universal Truth known by enlightened individuals since the dawning of mankind.
And here is how this Principle operates through the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
That which an individual believes to be so, at the depths of one's being (what one is convinced is so), is what one will experience as one's reality.
Now, this is perhaps the most beautiful truth of existence because it means that if I wish to experience a specific reality; all I need to do is align my thinking and, correspondingly my belief, with and to the idea that what I desire is already so and then watch as this shows up and demonstrates itself in my experience of reality.
Now, in metaphysics, one of the successful techniques for doing this is via Scientific Mind Treatments and I highly recommend this method as a way to change your experience of life.
Other methods one might utilize consist of, but of coarse are not limited to,meditation, centering, self-suggestion, prayer, Reike, etc.
, etc.
(the ways are numerous).
Now, there are individuals, organizations, and institutions who sincerely believe that one or other of these various methods is "better" than the others but I am here to say that such thinking and belief is in error and that in Truth there is no thing that is better than another thing and that in Reality there is but One Thing and That One Thing is Spirit (also known as God, Buddha, Krishna, First Cause, Original Source, or whatever you may choose to call your concept of The Creator).
I am also here to say that until each and every individual on the planet comes into a realization of the truth of these words, we will continue to experience a world which does not express a reflection of the Ultimate Bliss That is available, first to each individual and then ultimately to all individuals as Humanity at large.
Expectantly, you see here, that enlightenment of the world must, by necessity, begin with the individual and then extend outward to all other individuals.
So, this is in essence, an invitation to you to now move deeper and more intensively into a constant practice of this Truth towards the purpose of expanding and excelerating your own, as well as others', state of awareness of This One Consciousness.
And I say, thank you for joining me in this Marvelous Journey.
Thankfully, this spiritual concept is now a well-established fact in our physical sciences: and it has been a Universal Truth known by enlightened individuals since the dawning of mankind.
And here is how this Principle operates through the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
That which an individual believes to be so, at the depths of one's being (what one is convinced is so), is what one will experience as one's reality.
Now, this is perhaps the most beautiful truth of existence because it means that if I wish to experience a specific reality; all I need to do is align my thinking and, correspondingly my belief, with and to the idea that what I desire is already so and then watch as this shows up and demonstrates itself in my experience of reality.
Now, in metaphysics, one of the successful techniques for doing this is via Scientific Mind Treatments and I highly recommend this method as a way to change your experience of life.
Other methods one might utilize consist of, but of coarse are not limited to,meditation, centering, self-suggestion, prayer, Reike, etc.
, etc.
(the ways are numerous).
Now, there are individuals, organizations, and institutions who sincerely believe that one or other of these various methods is "better" than the others but I am here to say that such thinking and belief is in error and that in Truth there is no thing that is better than another thing and that in Reality there is but One Thing and That One Thing is Spirit (also known as God, Buddha, Krishna, First Cause, Original Source, or whatever you may choose to call your concept of The Creator).
I am also here to say that until each and every individual on the planet comes into a realization of the truth of these words, we will continue to experience a world which does not express a reflection of the Ultimate Bliss That is available, first to each individual and then ultimately to all individuals as Humanity at large.
Expectantly, you see here, that enlightenment of the world must, by necessity, begin with the individual and then extend outward to all other individuals.
So, this is in essence, an invitation to you to now move deeper and more intensively into a constant practice of this Truth towards the purpose of expanding and excelerating your own, as well as others', state of awareness of This One Consciousness.
And I say, thank you for joining me in this Marvelous Journey.