Positive Thoughts For a Successful Life
Think of those who are earning five times than your current income.
Or think of those who are living a contended life by earning quite less than you.
It is the goals that may vary from person to person and the power for attainment of these goals is behind a positive thought that is hidden in the brain of an individual that ultimately leads to a successful life.
So, it is the thought and mental level which is the mystery that is running the machinery of the world like a puppet show.
The higher and the more positive a thought to be, the more easier to acquire a successful life.
Thoughts are like a tree, whose seeds are under the ground, that is the brain, in the form of point of view, firmness of belief and mentality, but its fruits are above the ground in the form of results of life, current situation, success or defeat.
A person will not considered to be successful or defeated, high or low on the basis of status but by his thoughts.
A man is what he thinks.
Positive and a constructive thought is a tool for building character.
It is the thought that forces a person to work or do something for his own success.
Now it depends on you that you give weight, focus and pay energy to which of a single thought in many, that comes in your mind all the day long.
And that thought becomes the dominant thought and influences directly upon your life.
The positive thoughts bring positive impacts and negative thoughts bring negative impacts in your life.
A strong negative thought may even lead to depression, and depression in severe cases may predispose to suicidal tendencies.
So the thoughts shape our whole lives.
Our thoughts work just like a radio-transmitter and each thought is set on a specific frequency.
This in turn brings forth those things or situations in our lives, the frequency of which is emitted from our minds in the form of thoughts.
Point Of View: If you want to change something in your life, then change its frequency, that is change your thought pattern and point of view for it.
It is the point of view, that is playing a pivotal role in life for your success.
It is the point of view by which we see the world.
And we see the world by the lesson that is imparted by our homes and by the society since our childhood.
Although, all the creatures see the world with a make-up of a similar human eye but the perception of it differs from one to another, which is formulated in the brain, and the brain has got its own individuality for each human, which is actually the marker of thoughts.
This is the cause that a same fact is perceived differently from one to another.
Firm Belief: Now let's come to the firm belief.
If you are thinking something with a firm belief, then this firm belief will empower you to achieve it as a fact.
Firm belief will give you a strong passion and insight which causes to germinate constructive thoughts in you for your success.
When you develop a firm belief in doing something, it awakens the hidden talents and self-confidence in you.
The cycle of your success is directly proportional to your firm belief.
So the speed of dreams to come true is dependent upon the strength of your firmness in belief.
To achieve anything in life one should have firm belief in two things.
Firm belief in Allah, The Almighty.
Firm belief in you.
Mentality: If you are not happy with the results of your life and you want to change it, then change your mentality in the very first instance.
The results will automatically be changed.
Most of the time, it is seen that we in our lives possess a same type of mentality and work accordingly.
And then we hope for a changed result, which is not possible.
Two plus two is equals to four.
If you want the result to be five, then change the input to two plus three, and that will make five.
We always sow thorns in our lives and wait for flowers to bloom.
In the same way we give place to negative and limited thoughts and work accordingly, still hoping for positive results in the form of success.
Both a successful and defeated person, belonging to any status or nation, are same in humanly body make-up, but different in the make-up of thoughts that shapes his mentality.
And it is that mentality which is responsible for the result of life.
Or think of those who are living a contended life by earning quite less than you.
It is the goals that may vary from person to person and the power for attainment of these goals is behind a positive thought that is hidden in the brain of an individual that ultimately leads to a successful life.
So, it is the thought and mental level which is the mystery that is running the machinery of the world like a puppet show.
The higher and the more positive a thought to be, the more easier to acquire a successful life.
Thoughts are like a tree, whose seeds are under the ground, that is the brain, in the form of point of view, firmness of belief and mentality, but its fruits are above the ground in the form of results of life, current situation, success or defeat.
A person will not considered to be successful or defeated, high or low on the basis of status but by his thoughts.
A man is what he thinks.
Positive and a constructive thought is a tool for building character.
It is the thought that forces a person to work or do something for his own success.
Now it depends on you that you give weight, focus and pay energy to which of a single thought in many, that comes in your mind all the day long.
And that thought becomes the dominant thought and influences directly upon your life.
The positive thoughts bring positive impacts and negative thoughts bring negative impacts in your life.
A strong negative thought may even lead to depression, and depression in severe cases may predispose to suicidal tendencies.
So the thoughts shape our whole lives.
Our thoughts work just like a radio-transmitter and each thought is set on a specific frequency.
This in turn brings forth those things or situations in our lives, the frequency of which is emitted from our minds in the form of thoughts.
Point Of View: If you want to change something in your life, then change its frequency, that is change your thought pattern and point of view for it.
It is the point of view, that is playing a pivotal role in life for your success.
It is the point of view by which we see the world.
And we see the world by the lesson that is imparted by our homes and by the society since our childhood.
Although, all the creatures see the world with a make-up of a similar human eye but the perception of it differs from one to another, which is formulated in the brain, and the brain has got its own individuality for each human, which is actually the marker of thoughts.
This is the cause that a same fact is perceived differently from one to another.
Firm Belief: Now let's come to the firm belief.
If you are thinking something with a firm belief, then this firm belief will empower you to achieve it as a fact.
Firm belief will give you a strong passion and insight which causes to germinate constructive thoughts in you for your success.
When you develop a firm belief in doing something, it awakens the hidden talents and self-confidence in you.
The cycle of your success is directly proportional to your firm belief.
So the speed of dreams to come true is dependent upon the strength of your firmness in belief.
To achieve anything in life one should have firm belief in two things.
Firm belief in Allah, The Almighty.
Firm belief in you.
Mentality: If you are not happy with the results of your life and you want to change it, then change your mentality in the very first instance.
The results will automatically be changed.
Most of the time, it is seen that we in our lives possess a same type of mentality and work accordingly.
And then we hope for a changed result, which is not possible.
Two plus two is equals to four.
If you want the result to be five, then change the input to two plus three, and that will make five.
We always sow thorns in our lives and wait for flowers to bloom.
In the same way we give place to negative and limited thoughts and work accordingly, still hoping for positive results in the form of success.
Both a successful and defeated person, belonging to any status or nation, are same in humanly body make-up, but different in the make-up of thoughts that shapes his mentality.
And it is that mentality which is responsible for the result of life.