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Mystical Gods - Thoth Is the God of Wisdom and the Written Word

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Record keeping has always been an essential part of Divination and Spirituality.
The power of sound, the written word carries magic, energy and power.
All things emanate from energy, the sound of the word and the grace with which they are spoken.
The Mystical Egyptian God Thoth is also known as Tehuti, which means action.
When words are matched with action, there is balance and wisdom.
In other others, when you walk your talk you are in alignment with your truth.
You become a reflection of all that you are in the light, in truth.
It is said Tehuti is the first to create the written word, becoming the scribe for the Ancient Gods and Goddesses of Egypt.
Thoth is the record-keeper, having created the word which became language.
In creating words from sound energy, birth was given to desire.
Desire opened energy portals for the ways of magic, wisdom and knowledge.
Wisdom and knowledge caused movement in the speaking of words.
The speaking of words became a way of generating movement into manifestation from the Realm of the Gods and Spirit into physical form.
This Mystical God created the measurement of time into cycles or cyclical time.
Time was measured by the phases of the Moon and the movement of the Sun.
Thoth maintained order in the heavens and among the children of the Nile.
He is depicted with the head of an Ibis bird whose beak is shaped like a Crescent Moon.
Tehuti mapped the stars, the shimmering roadway of the Gods and Goddesses.
The colors of the feathers of the Ibis are white and black, symbolic of shadow and light, the Sun and the Moon.
A Message from Thoth Among the heavens seek your name.
Among the heavens seek wisdom.
Among the heavens hear your name for you are created in the image of love and light, wisdom and knowledge.
You have among your many gifts the use of the word of sound, the power of the energy deep within your Soul.
You have the gift of re-creation of that which your heart and your mind conceive.
There is nothing held from you except that which you hold from yourself child of the Nile.
All are children of the Nile as the birth place of creation in the time of the Ancient Ones.
Become as you were created in the likeness of the Divinities, the Spirit Ones who remain awakened to assist you in all you came to do.
The Crown Chakra energy center is the opening through which you are connected with the Ancient Divinities, with Spirit in all its many forms.
Crystals and Mineral associated with the Crown Chakra energy center are Herkimer Diamonds, Quartz Crystals, and Amethyst.
Call upon Thoth to assist you in unlocking the creative power within you.
Speak with love, wisdom and knowledge of all that you desire to manifest into physical form.

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