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Time Management and Productivity - Tip Number2 Prioritizing

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There is always something to do, someone to talk to and the one thing that you have not had a chance to do.
How do you manage your time, seize the moment and take advantage of the many opportunities with so many demands on your time.
Where do you start? How do you begin? And more importantly, when does it come to an end? A good place to start is with clarifying your priorities for where you are today because priorities do change at different times in your life.
The priorities I had in 2000 as a new mom and wife, working in corporate is different for me now as a wife, mom of a 6th grader working in my own business, managing projects and going back to school.
At the beginning or ending of any season is a good time to do a check up to see that what you are doing is aligned with what is most important to you.
Be sure to include things of short term importance as well as things that will affect you down the road.
Is there value in the things you do everyday? Are you doing the things that matters most to you? What changes can you make to prioritize and get the peace that comes with it? I recommend you begin with a priority breakdown exercise.
The priority breakdown exercise is where you first identify your priorities and the things you value most, categorize them and then start to lay them out by how they play out in your daily, weekly, and monthly life experience.
Your priorities can be as basic as having a personal and professional category or as detailed as listing your categories more broadly.
For instance, you may create several categories like, health, relationships and education.
Once you have identified your unique set of priorities, you have built a foundation for being more productive.
Here is where your long-range, intermediate goals and daily activities can all be focused to help you accomplish that inner peace and productivity that we all desire.
So, in truth, prioritizing does not really come to an end.
The point of prioritizing is for you to gain control, peace of mind and efficiency as you move through your personal and professional life.
The caution here is to not fill up your time day after day with things that do not contribute to your overall success and happiness.

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