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Let Go Of The Survival Mindset For A Successful Life

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Survival is hard work.
It's dog eat dog, tension, shoulders up to the ears, can't breathe, sleep will not come.
That describes survival.
Actually survival is based in the tiniest bit of the brain where logic and peace don't hang out.
This primitive or reptilian brain is intended to flood the body with the energy to out run a wild animal or defend yourself against attack.
It was never intended to be the key energy of daily life.
In the west most people do live in survival mode.
Stressful lives are the result of juggling children, work, home, and social life while giving up peace, joy and down time.
Most days there doesn't seem to be enough hours to fit it all in and when meditation is suggested most react with "I Don't Have Time"! Everyone has the same twenty four hours to fill with any experience desired.
Taking just five minutes at the beginning of the day allows for a more successful and less stressful day.
It doesn't have to be elaborate either.
When waking up be still for a few minutes.
Experience that stillness and quite.
Allow it to have a meaning for you.
That meaning can be peace, personal power or love.
Stay still for just three to five minutes first thing each morning and notice how much easier your day goes.
During the day pause for thirty seconds to take a few really deep breaths.
Fill up all the way with breath and imagine that you are washing away stress, worry and fear with that air.
This can be done while working, waiting for the traffic light to change or even changing a dirty diaper.
Tune into body, mind and spirit every few hours by pausing and noticing tension, thoughts, feelings.
All creation starts with those thoughts and the body reveals the energy of them through it's own language.
Tension in the body says there is tension in the mind and emotions.
Use a deep breath to allow the body to relax.
Now notice the stream of thoughts and the emotions connected to them.
Change thought streams by choosing words and statements that better represent the desired experience.
Practice letting go of the survival mindset and purposely choosing success.
Success is more than just money and stuff, it's all about feeling and being healthy and happy.
Moving into a life that better pleases is the right of each.
Make that choice today.

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