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Create Your Top 10 "Top 10" Lists to Jump-Start Your New Year

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Happy YOU Year!! To celebrate the excitement of a New Year, Create Your Life! has launched our brand new Ezine full of inspiration and tools to support and ensure you have a truly Happy YOU Year! (Can you hear the fireworks?) The end of one year and the start of the next is a great time to do a personal inventory and set your sites on the future you are creating for yourself.
It's so valuable to dedicate some important reflective time to get clear on 1) what you accomplished in 2011, 2) dreams, goals, and resolutions on your list that didn't actualize, and 3) your action plan for the coming year.
And to further activate the energy of appreciation and excitement, here's a fun way to jump-start your year! Top 10 lists are a quick-glance on a range of topics from Hollywood's best dressed, to current events, to travel destinations and ideas for consideration on personal growth...
As the year comes to a close and the New Year kicks-off, it's a great time to get out a notebook or journal and create your own Top 10 Lists! Use these Top 10 lists to remind yourself of what's good and shining about you and your life.
Use them to become more aware of what you know and what you can do to make the world a better place.
Use them to reconnect with your dreams, to remember what you truly want.
Enjoy! 1.
Top 10 Things I Love About My Life 2.
Top 10 Moments from this year 3.
Top 10 Priorities for the coming year 4.
Top 10 Ways I Spread Light in The World 5.
Top 10 Things That Are Uniquely "Me" 6.
Top 10 Books I Want to Read 7.
Top 10 Things I'd Like to Do Before I Die 8.
Top 10 Reasons for Gratitude in My Life 9.
Top 10 Things I Want to Learn 10.
Top 10 Activities That Make Me Feel Alive From my heart to yours: No matter how big, small, silly or vague you may think your dreams are, it is my JOY to support you, each step of the way, in bringing them to their full actualization - THIS year.
So, please don't hesitate to reach out.
There's no reason you need to continue living for later.
It is time to decide and to declare for yourself...
that this is your year: "the Year of Manifestation"! Here's to your best and brightest year yet!

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