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Manifest Wealth, Not Money!

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When manifesting money, it's good to remember that money is only energy, and it's actually hard to generate a large amount of energy for the paper and coins.
It is easier to generate a large amount of "lack" if you're thinking about the money that you don't have that you believe you "need".
So, for the moment, let's look at the reason you would like that money.
What will the Money Do for You? If the money is for bills, rather than thinking about manifesting money, think instead about the bills being paid.
A month ago, I received a phone call from our mortgage lender.
They had a lottery and we had won.
Our mortgage was lowered by about 33%.
We hadn't applied for this.
It was the Universe giving us more abundance.
Perhaps you are interested in a home? Buying our house was an exercise in manifesting, but not in manifesting money.
We had a little apartment in NYC that we had owned for a few years.
And then a house became available that we had been looking at for a few months.
Our cats even preferred that yard to the one in front where we had rented.
We had no savings but we went to our mortgage banker to talk about it because the couple who knew us had quoted us a price that was below market value.
It seemed that our apartment had appreciated and we were able to refinance the apartment to get the amount we needed for the down payment and the closing costs.
Perhaps this was manifesting money now that I think of it, but we were manifesting the home on the broader scale.
Thus, we were able to buy the house in the country and keep the city apartment without any savings.
So, do you see how that worked? So, think about what you desire rather than about manifesting money.
It gives the Universe more options and I have found that it works much better.
When the Money Doesn't Show Up on Schedule I have tried manifesting money.
I tried the method of visualizing the exact amount and writing it down, and picturing the exact date, and writing it down.
I have never had good fortune that way.
If one of you has, I'd love to hear about it.
My experience was:
  1. first, since you have an exact date, you don't expect it to come early.
    This reduces the Universe's opportunities to deliver it to you.
  2. second, since there is one specific date, as this date approaches I find it difficult not to get nervous about it.
    Now, we know that the most firm rule of all is that the manifestor must have absolute belief.
    I would feel my absolute belief becoming less than absolute as the date approached.
    If I had manifested it, I certainly let go of it when I let go of my belief.
  3. third, we know that another rule is to let the Universe find the how.
    As we'd get closer to the date, I'd start to take over.
    I would buy a lotto ticket and work harder on the website and take on some other work.
    Thus, if the Universe had it well in hand, I had stopped allowing it to deliver it to me when I got nervous about the "hows".
Do What You are Passionate About Do what you love and what you're good at.
Your natural talents and interest are an indication of what your soul intended when it chose to incarnate.
When you are following that path, the Universe will make your way easy.
Abundance will come without fancy manifesting techniques.
When I am relaxed and trusting in the Universe, it all works out.
As they say in AA, "Let go and let God.

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