6 Reasons To Use An Abundant Life Coach
We live in a time of fast-paced, seemingly insensitive, frenzy; it is, in fact, sensory-overload.
It can be a challenge to keep up with the world around us, let alone get ahead and build an abundant life.
I'm not just talking about money either.
I am speaking about true abundance, across the board, in all areas of life; a balanced and happy lifetime - of course not without its minor challenges - that moves steadily along, accumulating a life of plenty.
Given the frantic world and all the demands of life, how does one enjoy a life of "getting there" and employ a natural transition into a comfortable retirement? A sure way to put one's life on a pathway of lasting abundance, true wealth, and ultimate happiness is to enlist the expertise of an Abundant Life Coach.
Every person will enjoy their own pathway, of course, and yet a strong Abundant Life Coach should be able to assist in several ways to explore - and take advantage of - the best possible match for each person.
That being said, here are 6 reasons to use an Abundant Life Coach: 1.
Definition assistance.
Perhaps the single most challenging aspect of living a life of abundance is benefiting from an accurately defined direction.
This means first and foremost having clearly defined motives in life.
Motives are like a "top 10 list" of one's most important principles; these are what make a person 'tick', their passions, their reasons for living life.
But that's not all.
Once motives are clearly defined, one must be mentally or emotionally prepared to sustain abundance.
In other words, there must be clearly defined items that must be worked out - or worked on - in order to be emotionally prepared for abundance.
Further, one must have clearly defined goals (which I discuss soon).
The point is that an Abundant Life Coach will be instrumental in assisting with clear definition of key factors in building and maintaining abundance in all areas of life.
Effective alignment.
Once motives and preparation areas are defined, these motives must be in alignment with one's emotional being, and with one's goal set.
As an example, suppose one's motives in life were to be devoted to a life to giving, and to helping children.
Now, let's assume that this same person has a drug or alcohol problem.
Clearly, emotional preparation items exists that must be addressed in order to be in alignment.
Or, suppose this same person has no emotional problems, but instead has a goal to be selfishly rich.
Such a goal is not in alignment with primary motives.
Admittedly these are extreme examples that are used to illustrate my point, and yet it is now simple to see the aspect of alignment.
Top-notch goal setting.
Everyone has an opinion - or at least a notion about - goals and goal setting.
And yet more than 90% of all people fail to achieve their goals or to set goals at all.
Understand why? Most of the reason is not lack of ambition or desire, it is the lack of an accurate understanding of "what" they truly want, or "why" they desire such goals.
Goal setting sounds so simple, and yet it is not simple at all if done correctly.
The smaller aspect of goal setting is dreaming up desires.
An Abundant Life Coach will show a person how to be ready to set realistic and achievable goals, as well as the best method for setting those goals in a thoughtful manner so as to exceed all goals.
An Abundant Life Coach will assist in all goal-setting workshops, so that the person has the best possible situation.
My preference is called "G.
Workshops", which stands for Goal Origination, Layout, and Design Workshops.
This method takes a few days or more to complete, and yet the result is fantastic, excellent goals that are aligned with motives and preparation.
Counsel and coaching.
Closely related to the following item in this article (course corrections), an Abundant Life Coach should be able to precisely see when changes are necessary, or when certain items might stand in one's pathway, or suggest entire revisions.
A strong coach will be both diplomatic and assertive enough to work with virtually all personality types and facilitate desired results through their hands-on approach to counseling and coaching.
Course corrections.
It is the Abundant Life Coach's responsibility to his/her client to foresee as much as possible from an impartial viewpoint.
From this objective perspective, the coach can advocate corrections along the pathway and suggest flexible choices, up to and including changes in motives, preparation, goals, and entire action plans.
Action Plans.
The best-made goals and plans mean nothing without consistent action.
As an Abundant Life Coach, I believe that the logical extension of excellent goals is a master action plan that maps out an effective vehicle or means to achieve and exceed all goals.
From there, the master action plan (MAP), is broken down into daily consistent action plans (CAPS), that replace our common "to do" lists.
"To do" lists often tell us what we want to accomplish for the day, but they seldom suggest how we will perform such tasks.
Good daily plans suggest both how and what we will do on any given day.
An Abundant Life Coach will assist in the training of these matters.
In conclusion, in today's hurried and harried world we all have more to deal with in our lifetime than ever before.
In my opinion, the goal for a sane person should be to achieve abundance in all areas of life, which suggests a balance of plenty.
In this article, I have provided 6 reasons why to make use of an Abundant Life Coach that can and will place a person on a healthy pathway to abundance.
It can be a challenge to keep up with the world around us, let alone get ahead and build an abundant life.
I'm not just talking about money either.
I am speaking about true abundance, across the board, in all areas of life; a balanced and happy lifetime - of course not without its minor challenges - that moves steadily along, accumulating a life of plenty.
Given the frantic world and all the demands of life, how does one enjoy a life of "getting there" and employ a natural transition into a comfortable retirement? A sure way to put one's life on a pathway of lasting abundance, true wealth, and ultimate happiness is to enlist the expertise of an Abundant Life Coach.
Every person will enjoy their own pathway, of course, and yet a strong Abundant Life Coach should be able to assist in several ways to explore - and take advantage of - the best possible match for each person.
That being said, here are 6 reasons to use an Abundant Life Coach: 1.
Definition assistance.
Perhaps the single most challenging aspect of living a life of abundance is benefiting from an accurately defined direction.
This means first and foremost having clearly defined motives in life.
Motives are like a "top 10 list" of one's most important principles; these are what make a person 'tick', their passions, their reasons for living life.
But that's not all.
Once motives are clearly defined, one must be mentally or emotionally prepared to sustain abundance.
In other words, there must be clearly defined items that must be worked out - or worked on - in order to be emotionally prepared for abundance.
Further, one must have clearly defined goals (which I discuss soon).
The point is that an Abundant Life Coach will be instrumental in assisting with clear definition of key factors in building and maintaining abundance in all areas of life.
Effective alignment.
Once motives and preparation areas are defined, these motives must be in alignment with one's emotional being, and with one's goal set.
As an example, suppose one's motives in life were to be devoted to a life to giving, and to helping children.
Now, let's assume that this same person has a drug or alcohol problem.
Clearly, emotional preparation items exists that must be addressed in order to be in alignment.
Or, suppose this same person has no emotional problems, but instead has a goal to be selfishly rich.
Such a goal is not in alignment with primary motives.
Admittedly these are extreme examples that are used to illustrate my point, and yet it is now simple to see the aspect of alignment.
Top-notch goal setting.
Everyone has an opinion - or at least a notion about - goals and goal setting.
And yet more than 90% of all people fail to achieve their goals or to set goals at all.
Understand why? Most of the reason is not lack of ambition or desire, it is the lack of an accurate understanding of "what" they truly want, or "why" they desire such goals.
Goal setting sounds so simple, and yet it is not simple at all if done correctly.
The smaller aspect of goal setting is dreaming up desires.
An Abundant Life Coach will show a person how to be ready to set realistic and achievable goals, as well as the best method for setting those goals in a thoughtful manner so as to exceed all goals.
An Abundant Life Coach will assist in all goal-setting workshops, so that the person has the best possible situation.
My preference is called "G.
Workshops", which stands for Goal Origination, Layout, and Design Workshops.
This method takes a few days or more to complete, and yet the result is fantastic, excellent goals that are aligned with motives and preparation.
Counsel and coaching.
Closely related to the following item in this article (course corrections), an Abundant Life Coach should be able to precisely see when changes are necessary, or when certain items might stand in one's pathway, or suggest entire revisions.
A strong coach will be both diplomatic and assertive enough to work with virtually all personality types and facilitate desired results through their hands-on approach to counseling and coaching.
Course corrections.
It is the Abundant Life Coach's responsibility to his/her client to foresee as much as possible from an impartial viewpoint.
From this objective perspective, the coach can advocate corrections along the pathway and suggest flexible choices, up to and including changes in motives, preparation, goals, and entire action plans.
Action Plans.
The best-made goals and plans mean nothing without consistent action.
As an Abundant Life Coach, I believe that the logical extension of excellent goals is a master action plan that maps out an effective vehicle or means to achieve and exceed all goals.
From there, the master action plan (MAP), is broken down into daily consistent action plans (CAPS), that replace our common "to do" lists.
"To do" lists often tell us what we want to accomplish for the day, but they seldom suggest how we will perform such tasks.
Good daily plans suggest both how and what we will do on any given day.
An Abundant Life Coach will assist in the training of these matters.
In conclusion, in today's hurried and harried world we all have more to deal with in our lifetime than ever before.
In my opinion, the goal for a sane person should be to achieve abundance in all areas of life, which suggests a balance of plenty.
In this article, I have provided 6 reasons why to make use of an Abundant Life Coach that can and will place a person on a healthy pathway to abundance.