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Being Your Very Best

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A Quote From The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu The very best are like water:They benefit all things without trying to; they are content with low places that others dislike.
That is why water is so near to Heaven's Way.
The very best in their homes love simplicity, in their hearts love what is deep, in their words love what is true, in friendship love what is gentle.
The very best in their world love what is peaceful, in government love what is orderly, in deeds love what is right, in actions love what is timely.
It is because they do not compete with others that they are loved by all.
What Does This Quote Mean? To me, the quote suggests that you are at your very best when you simply are; when you are simply being yourself; when you simply being NATURAL.
When something is the best, it is usually thought of as being of the highest quality, excellence or standing.
Putting those two concepts together, the quote suggests that you will be of your highest quality, excellence or standing when you are yourself; when you are natural.
However, there is a second part to this equation.
Being what you simply are; being yourself; being natural is only good, IF you are naturally predisposed to the proper character traits.
If you are predisposed to evil; to bad traits, then being yourself is NOT a good thing.
(although I guess you would still be the best, you would just simply be the best "evil" thing out there).
However, if you are predisposed to the proper traits, then you will be predisposed to being the best in a "good" way.
So, What Are Some Of These Traits Just look at Lao Tzu's quote from the Tao Te Ching above: To be of benefit to others; To not be afraid to try; Being content; being satisfied; Being simple; not being overly complicated; Being loving; Being profound; Being genuine; Being mild; not overly harsh; being honorable; Being peaceful; Being orderly; Doing what is proper; Striking when the moment is hot; acting at the proper time; and Not wasting your energy trying to outdo everyone else; simply be yourself.
Personally I agree with Lao Tzu "most of the time", but I still think there are circumstances when one must (and should) violate the helpful precepts outlined above.
To me, that is part of acting appropriately; at the right time.
By way of an example, if the circumstances call for being peaceful, you should be peaceful.
If they call for you to act in an opposite manner, you should do so.
In my opinion, we can't (and shouldn't) live our lives by absolutes.
Instead, we should set up guidelines (as Lao Tzu did here) and attempt to live our lives by those guidelines to the extent possible.
But, as always, we should not be afraid to do otherwise when the circumstances dictate that we do so.

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