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To Soar: Relax, You Are Already Perfect

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Are you familiar with the saying "Relax, you are already perfect"? It's a very freeing statement. At least, I think it is. How about you? I'm a former perfectionist; I never did anything without fear of not doing it right. I never stood out for fear of doing it wrong. I never tried anything for fear of failing. What this left me with was a stale, boring and unsatisfying life.

I spent so much of my life trying to be someone else, trying to please others, and trying to make others happy - which I know I did. Yet, I never tried to make myself happy. I was just plain afraid that they wouldn't like me if I wasn't perfect. The thing about being someone else is, well, you aren't! You are you. Until you take that step to love yourself and be you in your full glory, you'll be just like I was, stuck and stranded on the ground. If you want to soar, it is important for you to relax and know that you are already perfect being you.

Now, I'm not going to tell you this was an easy journey or that I've mastered it. But what I can tell you is that once I freed myself from the bonds I had imposed on my life, I began to soar. My life became everything I was wanting! It is joyful instead of unhappy. It is effortless instead of difficult. I have ease instead of stress. Most of all, I now love my life and participate fully in it rather than trudging through yet another day of the same dull, boring existence.

We are all unique and specially made€¦ and we need to embrace it. Once we begin to do this, we soar. You are you and I am me, and we come together to bring joy, happiness and fulfillment to each other and the world. The subtle beauty of this is that we flourish both independently and together.

So the next time you think you have to be perfect -- stop, go to the mirror, smile, and say "I am unique and special and perfect just the way I am now." This will help you remember that right now, this very moment, you are able to soar to your greatest self, reach your highest goals and begin to free yourself from your self-imposed perfectionism. Trust me; it's one of the best gifts you can gift to yourself!

Are you a perfectionist trying to change your ways? Share your thoughts!


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