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Methods and Ways in How to Be Happy With Myself

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There are methods and ways in how to be happy with myself, is a sentence that you can continuously repeat to yourself.
The number point is to be at peace.
Learning how to do so is not difficult.
Respecting yourself can be a task if you have lived a life full of negative judgment.
It is common knowledge that no one is perfect, and everyone is guilty of making mistakes.
This does not exclude you.
The entire point of making mistakes is learning and growing.
However, if you are the type that makes the same mistakes over and again, somewhere you are missing the lesson.
One of the best ways to deal with a mistake is by looking at it from a different point of view.
Basically, step away from the situation and look into it.
Study it and understand it, but that it is important that you move forward.
What a way to start liking yourself is to use positive affirmations.
This means sitting in front of a mirror, and speaking out loud to yourself about your positive points.
However, it is imperative that you stay focused and honest, otherwise this exercise will not work.
Remember to smile at studies have shown that proper chemicals flow through your body and put you in a good mood, automatically.
The good mood makes you a more likable person, and draws other people closer to you.
Another method involves writing a list that includes your positive and negative points.
A piece of paper, write down your pros on one side, and your cons on the other.
Now, work with both your lists.
You should be proud of all your good points, and you should be enthusiastic about working to improve all your negative points.
Of course, this will not all be done in one day, patience is a virtue.

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