9 Habits of Highly Contagious Leaders
There are 9 specific behaviors that identify highly contagious leaders.
Decide for yourself if these qualities appeal to you and if you are able to enforce them within your business, some are culture driven while others are determined by the individual.
Spotlighting Contagious leaders constantly focus their attention, be it directly or indirectly, on the attempts and achievements of other people or teams.
They seldom, if ever, center on themselves.
Cultivating character These leaders make conscientious choices in regards to 'how' the business takes action, in addition to 'what' it carries out.
It is not just about the numbers, because character is a strong decision-making factor.
Involved recognition This is the habit of enunciating particular actions that are worthy of applause.
Besides saying "Great job!" contagious leaders will also explain why and how a certain job was great.
Looking at greatness This means, the habit of highlighting strengths.
Contagious leaders do not pay attention to people's faults and avoid drawing attention to these; they prefer to acknowledge the strong points in others.
Energetic communication Contagious leaders are masters in successfully trading information, thoughts and emotions in a way that creates harmony and boosts productivity.
They are open and frank, because they know good communication is the basis to make everything else work; it will enhance everyone's self-confidence and performance much more than any other strategy would.
Clear vision This is the habit of centering the action on a clear and vivid picture of what wants to be accomplished.
There is complete lucidity as to where the business is headed, the goals are clear, and the leaders are able to share this vision with the team.
Touching lives This habit has to do with recognizing what is most valuable within the business: its people.
Contagious leaders get deeply and genuinely involved: they know who is married, who is single, who has kids; they know their employees' names and the names of their spouses, their kids' names and ages, where they live, and much more, and they know all this not because it is good for business, but because they really care about their people.
A passionate stand Contagious leaders express themselves freely; they do not keep themselves under control, in the good sense of the word.
They dare, they have passion, and they live by it.
Permission mentoring These leaders make it a habit to develop would-be contagious leaders; they don't want imitators and followers, but individuals who do what they wish to do and in the way they wish to do it.
Contagious leaders want to spread their seed around, but allowing every specific person to grow it in the way he or she wants to.
Their actions are reproduced through others.
John Hersey
Decide for yourself if these qualities appeal to you and if you are able to enforce them within your business, some are culture driven while others are determined by the individual.
Spotlighting Contagious leaders constantly focus their attention, be it directly or indirectly, on the attempts and achievements of other people or teams.
They seldom, if ever, center on themselves.
Cultivating character These leaders make conscientious choices in regards to 'how' the business takes action, in addition to 'what' it carries out.
It is not just about the numbers, because character is a strong decision-making factor.
Involved recognition This is the habit of enunciating particular actions that are worthy of applause.
Besides saying "Great job!" contagious leaders will also explain why and how a certain job was great.
Looking at greatness This means, the habit of highlighting strengths.
Contagious leaders do not pay attention to people's faults and avoid drawing attention to these; they prefer to acknowledge the strong points in others.
Energetic communication Contagious leaders are masters in successfully trading information, thoughts and emotions in a way that creates harmony and boosts productivity.
They are open and frank, because they know good communication is the basis to make everything else work; it will enhance everyone's self-confidence and performance much more than any other strategy would.
Clear vision This is the habit of centering the action on a clear and vivid picture of what wants to be accomplished.
There is complete lucidity as to where the business is headed, the goals are clear, and the leaders are able to share this vision with the team.
Touching lives This habit has to do with recognizing what is most valuable within the business: its people.
Contagious leaders get deeply and genuinely involved: they know who is married, who is single, who has kids; they know their employees' names and the names of their spouses, their kids' names and ages, where they live, and much more, and they know all this not because it is good for business, but because they really care about their people.
A passionate stand Contagious leaders express themselves freely; they do not keep themselves under control, in the good sense of the word.
They dare, they have passion, and they live by it.
Permission mentoring These leaders make it a habit to develop would-be contagious leaders; they don't want imitators and followers, but individuals who do what they wish to do and in the way they wish to do it.
Contagious leaders want to spread their seed around, but allowing every specific person to grow it in the way he or she wants to.
Their actions are reproduced through others.
John Hersey