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Tips for Remembering People"s Names for the First Time

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Do you have the memory of a gold fish? That is you forget everything in just a few seconds.
If so, it can cause so many embarrassing situations, especially when meeting acquaintances.
Oh god, who was that psychologist who said that humans can never forget.
I would like to tell him that, well, maybe he is right but, never the less, humans can't seem to remember what they needs to at the right time, especially if it is a name.
Worry not, because in the following text, I shall discuss ways to boost your memory and never forget a name.
Well the first tip is to keep your brain healthy and alive.
How? Firstly manage your stress, and then try to stay keen and alert.
Having done that now, let's look at how we remember things.
It is basically a three step process.
The brain first of all acquires the information.
Then it consolidates it and finally upon need retrieves it.
The process of information acquisition and consolidation is dependent on how focused our brain is.
So it is absolutely mandatory to pay close attention, when somebody tells you their name.
Then as a consolidation technique, repeat their name.
If you do so under your breath, you might look like a freak.
So, the best way is to use his or her name while conversing with them.
Now for the retrieval, remembering the name when you need to use it.
Experts say that if you know part of information then you can remember the rest quickly.
So you can attach his face and name to some memory, like the place you met or anything that fits.
This will help by the linking theory as well.
That memory that is linked to others is easier to retrieve.
This is the technique to remember one name, but what to do when there are loads of names to remember? The best tip is to organize them in your brain, like making categories based on how u know them, work, college, neighbors, extended family, etc.
Once you start getting good at remembering names, you will only get better.
Like strength exercises, you start small and eventually built your way to be superman or woman for that matter.
After applying all these tips, even then you have problem remembering names, then, you can change your conversational style to not call out someone directly.
Start using phrases as my friend, hey buddy, etc.

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