Time Management Tips - 3 Essential Tips To Ease Transitions Using Boundaries
Time management tips can be lifesavers in troubled times.
During confusing transitions, use these 3 essential pointers to set boundaries and save yourself from sliding into dangerous waters.
Assert Your Boundary Bill of Rights During Significant Transitions Have you ever noticed how being thrown in new situations can revive painful fears, memories of mistakes and self-doubts? In this climate of self-criticism, it's easy to let others make unfair demands on you.
Just when you need time and space to process challenges the most, you may lose control of both! Setting boundaries sets ground under your feet.
Remember this: It is your birthright to create healthy boundaries.
Declare this to yourself.
Envision this as a force field around you, and see how this changes your sense of time and space! When you have new ground to cover, setting boundaries helps you clear your path.
You have every right to set boundaries that benefit you directly and immediately.
Your new boundaries safeguard your space, your energy and your time.
They help you exercise your power in completely appropriate ways.
You possess the power to make yourself at home in your world using boundaries.
Transition times require that you re-orient yourself to your new reality.
Creating crystal clear boundaries provides you with life-giving support to transition successfully.
3 Essential Tips For Creating Successful Boundaries 1.
Carefully Consider Your Boundary First.
Prior to enacting your boundary, thoroughly review it.
When you plan ahead, you enjoy the best outcomes.
Write it down, and record in your calendar when you plan to implement it.
Envision yourself working within your new boundary and be aware of how you feel.
Become comfortable with it before putting it into practice.
Each of these steps helps you develop automatic good habits that support you as you transition.
Make Your New Boundary Very Specific.
You need your new boundary to help you right here and right now.
So define your boundary very clearly.
Make it concrete so that it addresses your current situation perfectly.
It's a tool that helps you perform the task that is right in front of you.
And then when you have a new situation, you adapt your tool to render it fully effective.
Maintain Your Successful Boundary As Long As It Remains Useful.
In a fundamental way, your boundary becomes part of you.
It shapes how you move through the world, and it is a promise to yourself as much as it is to others.
Keep this promise you have made to yourself.
In that way, in this transitional time, you serve as your best friend and inspiration.
Anytime you set a boundary, do your very best to follow through.
You strengthen your trust in yourself that way.
And if for any reason your boundary becomes unworkable, immediately fashion a new one that provides you with the support you need.
Remember That Boundaries Are Your Right And Your Might.
So don't let transitions send you into a tailspin.
Remember your worth is permanent, and serves as your own powerful protector as you learn how to grow into your strength and potential in this unfamiliar setting.
Slowly and steadily, you will develop the ease and the confidence you need.
Now, what boundary can you set to ease a transition in your life...
starting today?
During confusing transitions, use these 3 essential pointers to set boundaries and save yourself from sliding into dangerous waters.
Assert Your Boundary Bill of Rights During Significant Transitions Have you ever noticed how being thrown in new situations can revive painful fears, memories of mistakes and self-doubts? In this climate of self-criticism, it's easy to let others make unfair demands on you.
Just when you need time and space to process challenges the most, you may lose control of both! Setting boundaries sets ground under your feet.
Remember this: It is your birthright to create healthy boundaries.
Declare this to yourself.
Envision this as a force field around you, and see how this changes your sense of time and space! When you have new ground to cover, setting boundaries helps you clear your path.
You have every right to set boundaries that benefit you directly and immediately.
Your new boundaries safeguard your space, your energy and your time.
They help you exercise your power in completely appropriate ways.
You possess the power to make yourself at home in your world using boundaries.
Transition times require that you re-orient yourself to your new reality.
Creating crystal clear boundaries provides you with life-giving support to transition successfully.
3 Essential Tips For Creating Successful Boundaries 1.
Carefully Consider Your Boundary First.
Prior to enacting your boundary, thoroughly review it.
When you plan ahead, you enjoy the best outcomes.
Write it down, and record in your calendar when you plan to implement it.
Envision yourself working within your new boundary and be aware of how you feel.
Become comfortable with it before putting it into practice.
Each of these steps helps you develop automatic good habits that support you as you transition.
Make Your New Boundary Very Specific.
You need your new boundary to help you right here and right now.
So define your boundary very clearly.
Make it concrete so that it addresses your current situation perfectly.
It's a tool that helps you perform the task that is right in front of you.
And then when you have a new situation, you adapt your tool to render it fully effective.
Maintain Your Successful Boundary As Long As It Remains Useful.
In a fundamental way, your boundary becomes part of you.
It shapes how you move through the world, and it is a promise to yourself as much as it is to others.
Keep this promise you have made to yourself.
In that way, in this transitional time, you serve as your best friend and inspiration.
Anytime you set a boundary, do your very best to follow through.
You strengthen your trust in yourself that way.
And if for any reason your boundary becomes unworkable, immediately fashion a new one that provides you with the support you need.
Remember That Boundaries Are Your Right And Your Might.
So don't let transitions send you into a tailspin.
Remember your worth is permanent, and serves as your own powerful protector as you learn how to grow into your strength and potential in this unfamiliar setting.
Slowly and steadily, you will develop the ease and the confidence you need.
Now, what boundary can you set to ease a transition in your life...
starting today?