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How to Raise Your Self-Imposed Boundaries

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Let's talk about our BELIEFS.
Many of your beliefs are 'hidden' from your conscious awareness and were formed in your childhood years.
Many of these beliefs still continue to affect every moment of your life TODAY and place 'boundaries' on your experiences in life.
You have a belief about EVERYTHING going on in your world.
If you are encountering struggle, hardship, or limitation in any area of your life whether it be with finances, health, relationships, career, family, or anything else then you can be assured you have a limiting/false belief that you need to 'clear.
' Your unconscious beliefs override and supersede the conscious workings of your mind.
They are much more powerful than your thoughts.
These beliefs also determine your thoughts and feelings.
Your beliefs are the blueprints and building blocks of your reality.
Change them and you change your life.
Most of what you believe you are not even aware of.
You don't consciously know what you don't know when it comes to your beliefs.
Yet they shape and dictate every aspect of your life in every moment! It is your beliefs that keep you separate from the successes you seek, from who you truly are, from all you can be, and from all you desire.
They can surely be the gateways to all that you seek, but sadly, they can also be the binding chains that keep you stuck in patterns of failure, struggle, and heartache.
Your beliefs set your 'boundaries' of success.
Your beliefs determine your quality of life.
Our beliefs affect every part of our lives and let's briefly look at a few...
) If you cannot imagine in your mind that it is possible to earn double your current income, then you have set a FINANCIAL BOUNDARY in your mind.
) If you couldn't imagine that it is possible to be 10 times healthier than you are now, then you have set a HEALTH BOUNDARY in your mind.
) If you cannot imagine in your mind that you could get a promotion at your work then you have set a CAREER BOUNDARY in your mind.
) If you cannot imagine in your mind that you will find the perfect partner to love for the rest of your life you have set a RELATIONSHIP BOUNDARY in your mind.
You get the idea.
To uncover your limiting beliefs look at ALL areas of your life and examine closely what beliefs you may be harboring in your sub-conscious mind.
Determine why you are not as successful as you would like to be in each area.
Be honest with yourself and dig DEEP by asking yourself questions and you will uncover answers about your inner beliefs.
WRITE DOWN ON PAPER the answers to these questions of why you don't have what you desire.
These answers will be the beliefs you need to eliminate and replace.
Once you identify them you can go to work to change them.
There are many ways to do this such as creating affirmations to replace the old beliefs with new ones.
There are life-changing CD's available from my partners at Think Right Now that will help eliminate these old beliefs and re-program your sub-conscious with new positive success patterns.
There are complete programs from many experts on the market that will speed up the process and allow you to eliminate your old limiting beliefs and free you to experience anything you want in life.
(I'll give you links to these powerful resources at the end of this training article.
) Some other tips to help you eliminate your limiting beliefs are: 1.
) Discover what you are passionate about in life and begin to become an expert in this passion.
When you become immersed in your passions you force yourself to overcome your old limiting beliefs and create new beliefs to attain your desires.
Once you discover your purpose in life you arouse very powerful inner forces to pursue this passion.
I was a shy and introverted person the first 50 years of my life but when I discovered my purpose was to teach others about the Universal Laws my passion overrode my old beliefs and I became an outgoing writer, speaker, and mentor helping thousands of people worldwide to live a purposeful life and attain their dreams.
I will let nothing stop me from doing this until I am gone.
) Eliminate the negative people in your life as much as possible.
Negative people can steal your dreams.
They can suck the passion from your life.
They force limits and boundaries into your mind.
Yes, negative people have the right to voice their opinions, AND you have the right to ignore them and continue to move in the directions of your dreams.
Make sure you consciously do this.
Choose to be around positive, successful people as much as possible.
I understand that many times these negative people are family and this can be sensitive so just do your best to block out the negative and show your family what they can also achieve in their lives by you becoming successful and by realizing your dreams and desires.
Once you do this your family members will want you to help them do what you did and will want to know how you did it.
) Begin to take small actions steps toward your dreams.
Taking small positive action steps and making small accomplishments along the way will build your confidence and trust in yourself and make your dreams more real.
Don't fear failure, or success.
You have to keep taking small action steps and moving forward toward your dreams at all times.
Consciously look for the opportunities that will be presented to you and then take inspired action when you see them.
Once you begin to take small action steps more and more action steps will be presented to you.
These steps will lead you to your dreams.
Action develops momentum, and momentum increases your inner power, and this leads you to more and more successes.
Take the time to identify the limiting 'boundaries' you have placed on your life and understand they are way too low for the power you possess.
You were not created and put on this earth to have limited boundaries governing your life.
You were created with unlimited inner power and the means to 'tap into' the all-powerful Universal Laws that govern our world.
You tap into these Laws through your sub-conscious mind.
Stop accepting mediocrity in your life.
You have too much inner power to be mediocre.
Decide to 'raise the bar' in your life.
Here is an example of how you can break the chains of mediocrity, set new boundaries, and install new beliefs in your mind...
If you are earning $30,000 per year (or it could be $100,000 or $1,000,000) and you seem to stay near this figure year after year you have a hidden limiting belief that this is what you are worth.
Something in your past life has installed a financial boundary in your sub-conscious mind and you will never earn much more than this figure until you identify, eliminate, and replace that belief.
If you're earning $30,000 yearly simply decide to install a new belief that you will earn $60,000 per year.
BELIEVE that this is possible and understand that you have no real limitations with the power of your mind.
Understand you have falsely limited yourself to this $30,000.
Write this question down on paper: "Why is it that I'm making $60,000 per year?" Read it daily as many times as you can.
Read it when you first get up in the morning and just before you go to bed at night.
Let this question consume your thoughts and sink into your sub-conscious mind.
Imagine what it will be like to have this $60,000 per year and visualize all the things you will be able to do with this money and how your life will change.
Attach vivid, emotional feelings to this question and these visualizations.
What will happen is your sub-conscious mind will begin to look for answers to this question and override the old limiting $30,000 belief and you will begin to install a new $60,000 belief into your sub-conscious.
When your sub-conscious is bombarded with this new belief it perceives it to be true and it goes to work in harmony with the Universal Laws to create the events, situations, and circumstances in your life to make this new belief happen and they will appear.
It attracts the people and opportunities into your life to make this desire a reality in your physical world.
It cannot fail to happen.
What you believe, and what your sub-conscious believes, is exactly what happens in your life at ALL times.
Everything you have believed up to this moment has formed the life you're living now.
Why not re-program your sub-conscious with your desires and dreams and be assured you are going to experience them? If you're stuck earning $100,000 per year you need to raise your belief up to the figure you want to earn.
If you're stuck at earning $1,000,000 why can't you be earning $2,000,000? If you believe you can, you most definitely will.
If you're earning $10,000,000 per year and want to earn $50,000,000 all you need to do is CHANGE YOUR BELIEF and it will happen.
The point is for you to understand the basic, underlying principle of your beliefs and how they affect your life.
You can adapt this example to your relationships, health, career, family, and everything else in your life.
Set your goals high and re-set your beliefs to match those goals.
Let these new beliefs consume you.
It's not rocket science and no matter who you are, where you live, what your education is, what your situation is, you have the power to shape and create your tomorrow's based on your beliefs.
Raise your limits, and raise them HIGH.
Change your beliefs, change your life...

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