Dare to Dream HUGE!
There may be some of you out there who have given up on your dreams.
Maybe you've even given up on allowing yourself to get in touch with those things that bring you real joy in life.
NOW is the time to make a different decision - to set your intention to embrace yourself, your talents, your gifts, your power and then turn to fully embrace the limitless power of the Universe to move mountains to allow your dreams to be full and fulfilled.
I had the opportunity recently to hear Marc Allen speak.
Maybe you've heard of him.
He's the author of The Millionaire Course and the co-founder and publisher of New World Library.
He had us all nearly rolling in the aisles as he talked about his intention and beliefs about work.
He doesn't work on Sundays.
Monday is his personal day.
He sleeps until 11 am and, if he is still tired when he wakes up, he goes back to bed.
He sleeps in bed 12 hours a day.
He also meditates a lot, and often snores while he's meditating.
He takes two months off every year for vacation.
He enjoys simply "being" in nature and simple pleasures.
$65,000 in debt in the 1970's and with a company near collapse, living in a small apartment in northern California with his office in the kitchen, he made a decision to change his beliefs about work, life, and financial success.
Marc shared that he found an affirmation from Catherine Ponder that changed his life.
His affirmation became: "I am now achieving every goal in an easy and relaxed manner in a healthy, positive way.
I am now creating total financial success.
" As Marc discovered, the right affirmations can overcome years of limited, negative thinking.
And his life began to change as a direct result.
People came forward offering to invest in his company.
The right people appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
Then, he published a book that has sold more than 3 million copies worldwide.
In short, his life was transformed.
And he is living his dream, doing what he loves.
Here's some more of the wisdom Marc had to share: - It's ALL about intention and belief.
- Recognize the power of your mind and the power of a dream.
His most important advice was to dare to dream YOUR biggest dream of success.
- Write out your ideal scene, the vision of your success, on 1 to 2 sheets of paper.
There is power in the written word and, as Harvey Mackay said later in the day, "pale ink is more important than a retentive memory".
- Luck is preparing to meet opportunity - envision clearly your goal.
- Do what you LOVE! - Beliefs become self-fulfilling if we believe they're true.
- Don't share your dreams with everyone, only certain people.
There are people who will mirror your fears and stop you from moving forward.
- Focus on a goal and make a plan to get there.
Look at people who have succeeded and see what they've done.
Then, develop you own multi-pronged strategy that won't take no for an answer.
- Remember to take care of yourself and rejuvenate.
- Delegate what you don't want.
Do the core work and delegate the chore work.
- Dream.
- Write out your list of goals.
Then, rewrite each goal as an affirmation as if it's happening NOW.
In parting, Marc shared what we all know: your subconscious mind says YES to every thought you have.
When you dare to dream, the whole Universe rushes in to support you.
Give yourself that gift today.
YOU deserve it!
Maybe you've even given up on allowing yourself to get in touch with those things that bring you real joy in life.
NOW is the time to make a different decision - to set your intention to embrace yourself, your talents, your gifts, your power and then turn to fully embrace the limitless power of the Universe to move mountains to allow your dreams to be full and fulfilled.
I had the opportunity recently to hear Marc Allen speak.
Maybe you've heard of him.
He's the author of The Millionaire Course and the co-founder and publisher of New World Library.
He had us all nearly rolling in the aisles as he talked about his intention and beliefs about work.
He doesn't work on Sundays.
Monday is his personal day.
He sleeps until 11 am and, if he is still tired when he wakes up, he goes back to bed.
He sleeps in bed 12 hours a day.
He also meditates a lot, and often snores while he's meditating.
He takes two months off every year for vacation.
He enjoys simply "being" in nature and simple pleasures.
$65,000 in debt in the 1970's and with a company near collapse, living in a small apartment in northern California with his office in the kitchen, he made a decision to change his beliefs about work, life, and financial success.
Marc shared that he found an affirmation from Catherine Ponder that changed his life.
His affirmation became: "I am now achieving every goal in an easy and relaxed manner in a healthy, positive way.
I am now creating total financial success.
" As Marc discovered, the right affirmations can overcome years of limited, negative thinking.
And his life began to change as a direct result.
People came forward offering to invest in his company.
The right people appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
Then, he published a book that has sold more than 3 million copies worldwide.
In short, his life was transformed.
And he is living his dream, doing what he loves.
Here's some more of the wisdom Marc had to share: - It's ALL about intention and belief.
- Recognize the power of your mind and the power of a dream.
His most important advice was to dare to dream YOUR biggest dream of success.
- Write out your ideal scene, the vision of your success, on 1 to 2 sheets of paper.
There is power in the written word and, as Harvey Mackay said later in the day, "pale ink is more important than a retentive memory".
- Luck is preparing to meet opportunity - envision clearly your goal.
- Do what you LOVE! - Beliefs become self-fulfilling if we believe they're true.
- Don't share your dreams with everyone, only certain people.
There are people who will mirror your fears and stop you from moving forward.
- Focus on a goal and make a plan to get there.
Look at people who have succeeded and see what they've done.
Then, develop you own multi-pronged strategy that won't take no for an answer.
- Remember to take care of yourself and rejuvenate.
- Delegate what you don't want.
Do the core work and delegate the chore work.
- Dream.
- Write out your list of goals.
Then, rewrite each goal as an affirmation as if it's happening NOW.
In parting, Marc shared what we all know: your subconscious mind says YES to every thought you have.
When you dare to dream, the whole Universe rushes in to support you.
Give yourself that gift today.
YOU deserve it!