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The Realization Between Self - Esteem and Low Self - Esteem

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Self esteem is the dissimilarity between feeling inevitable and feeling scared. How you perceive your self image has an extreme effect on how others recognize you. The more confident you are the more successful you are. Self esteem is very important in almost every area of our lives, yet so many people have difficulty maintaining it. When you lack self esteem, you are less likely to achieve success in goals that you set.

Imagine a sales person is convincing you to buy their products however this sales person doesn't have self esteem. Would you buy their products? On the other hand, you might be persuaded by someone who talks confidently about their product and can answer questions right away.

Your level of self esteem can be shown in many ways: behavior, posture, body language, handling conversations and more. Here are some comparisons of people who have confidence and people who are associated with low self esteem to help you gauge your confidence level:

Self - Confident

- Do not worry much and are willing to take risks to achieve success.

- Accepts constructive criticism.

- Accepts own mistakes, apologize to those who are hurt and learn from it.

- Pleased when efforts are recognized.

- Strives to learn more.

Low Self - Esteem

- Gives up when thrown overboard.

- Base their decisions on other people's idea.

- Do not accept failure and change.

- Play it safe.

- Waiting for others to notice your effort.

- A worrier.

In general, people who trust themselves manifest positivity and people who have low self esteem are full of negativity.

There are many factors that influence self esteem and you can show this physically and mentally when you:

- Dress sharply.

- Smile.

- Walk smartly.

- Carry yourself with good posture.

- Speak proactively.

- Always show gratitude.

- Compliment other people.

- Sit in the front row.

Self esteem is about balance, there are people who have low self confidence and on the other hand there are people who have high self confidence level. If you don't trust yourself, you may be avoiding mistakes and may forget about learning at all. If you are too confident, you can over estimate your capabilities and may crash badly.

Self esteem may be developed through learning and experiences and if you practice more you may get the right balance. It is how you can find your true capabilities and apply it to your success. When you know how to handle situations that call self confidence, it may be the sign that you know how to balance it.

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