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The Value of the Gift of Life

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We simply never know when, where or how our soul will choose to leave the physical form that houses it.
In any given moment you might just stop breathing.
This is not to create fear in you; it is to awaken awareness in you.
It is important to realize all those dreams or plans you continue to delay for one reason or another; are truly put off because you have not yet realized the full value of the gift of your life.
You hesitate because you fear the unknown and/or you don't truly believe you deserve any better.
When you are in fear of the unknown you spend far too much time demanding a guaranteed outcome before you will make any commitment to go any where or do any thing that exceeds the boundaries of your comfort zone.
You may be hesitating, despite telling yourself how much you love and adore you; because deep within you really don't believe you are worthy of experiencing anything better or more than what you have already.
The problem is; when you delay your dreams or plans regardless of which underlying culprit is ruling your life, the fear of the unknown and/or the incorrect belief of unworthiness; you are not valuing the gift of your life.
You will end up only experiencing a dull existence rather than fully enjoying a vibrant, jubilant life! Despite all your rational, you are doing nothing more than risking never realizing any of your dreams or plans at all.
The value of the gift of life is the freedom to be you in any given moment.
It is the liberation to fully express the adventurous child within you, who is completely and totally divinely supported by God breathing through you and the Goddess pulsing in your heart.
It is the responsibility of each of us to be willing to remember that this divine triangle resides within us and thusly realizing, acknowledging and enacting the value of the gift of life by permitting self the freedom of expression.
Permitting yourself the freedom to express the truth of you supports the preciousness of who you truly are while honoring your life with the value it deserves.
Far too often we simply only survive, hiding our fears of self-loving expression behind rationalization.
Our logic is most often filled with the "later" rather than the now.
We convince ourselves we have plenty of time thinking we will get to it eventually.
We convince our selves when we have more time, more money, and/or more companionship; is when we will do it, what ever it is.
There always seems to be some thing or some one that needs to come first before we permit ourselves to proceed.
We have all heard the stories about the guy or gal who waited all of their lives to take the vacation and passed of a heart attack days or weeks following their retirement.
Or those that would not spend an extra dime throughout their lives and either don't live long enough to enjoy it or has to spend it on some disease of the old.
There are also many who wait on another before we are brave enough to move forward.
How many times have you heard a friend, a relative and or yourself complain that you can't honestly be themselves until the perfect time arises? You use excuses like they are not ready to hear it, or I might hurt their feelings if I do such in such.
It is never about whether they are ready to hear it; it is always about whether you are courageous enough to say it or do it.
Holding back while you wait for better or more perfect conditions is likened to putting the cart before the horse.
In doing so, you will never get anywhere, because the horse simply cannot get around the cart and the cart is not budging without the horse to lead it.
You are engaged in the fearful behavior of making excuses for what you are afraid to say or do.
You engage in this unhealthy stagnating behavior because you truly fear some personal loss will occur as a result of your choices.
You then continue to live in fear and stagnate because you have not yet realized the value of the gift of your life.
You may even entertain fears of dying if you proceed to follow your dreams or plans and use this as your rational to do or experience nothing more than what you are doing now.
What you need to ask yourself is this.
Would you rather live a long miserable life, imprisoned by your fear or would you rather live even for only a few more moments in total love and peace of mind expressing what brings you joy? Why not live rather than just survive, no matter how long or short it may be.
Why not have a great life rather than just take up space? Even though I had been on my so-called spiritual path for more than 20 years, my own awakening to the value of the gift of life was not necessarily gentle.
In July of 2004 my thirty-two year old son suddenly passed over; as a result of a hit and run accident.
His physical presence was gone in an absolute instant.
Whether you are presently conscious or not; you are meant to awaken to and the value of the gift of your life.
It will far better serve you to focus on the preciousness of your breath and the pulsing of your heart; that are constant reminders of the value of your life.
This is when you will fully comprehend you are a soul encased in a physical form and you were also given the gift of free will and free choice to have multiple experiences in your own unique way.
To often we recklessly toss the preciousness of our lives aside, in pursuit of some perceived obligation.
When we "shelf the self" we dishonor the divinity we are.
We add insult to injury and continue to wound and damage our blessed divinity and oppress our magnificence.
When we choose strife over life, engaging in the what if and, butt or should, we are simply succumbing to fear rather than choosing to live in love.
This compromise of self continuously applied results in the loss of the sensation of our soul filled spirits and we end up just existing, similar to the walking dead.
Once the soul filled spirit is silenced, we lose connection to our Source and we move into a self-imposed mental and emotional prison of betrayal and abandonment that only continues to perpetrate fear.
We are terrified of moving into the next moment, for no other reasons than fearing the unknown or believing we are less than deserving.
We choose misery over and over again simply because it is known and although painful; it is also perceived as comfortable.
Then we are stuck in a hell where we can only focus on survival rather where we mentally and emotionally torture ourselves by reviewing our past in fearful trepidation of recreating it, or projecting into the future, which does not yet exist.
We continually engage in this unhealthy, unloving ego serving behavior, rather than appreciating and valuing the gift of life.
The value of the gift of life is; not just believing, but knowing you are love, loving, lovable and loved.
This knowingness frees you to live your life to the fullest.
Realizing, accepting and implementing the value of the gift of life allows you to be courageous enough to speak the truth out loud and then follow that heartfelt truth with right action, despite and in light of any perceived losses.
This is the only loving and honorable way to value the gift of life; that is far more precious than any house, car, job or relationship outside of self.
There is no more worthwhile journey you can ever embark upon.
When you permit your self to value the gift of life, you then by example give license to all others to do the same; not that they require your permission, nor do you need theirs.
Others will simply find their courage in observing your successful change and be willing to do the same.
To value your life is to live in truth and to love self without emotional and mental attachment to what was and without fear of any negative consequences being created in the future to come.
It is to boldly move forward each day directed by your heart, perceiving with joy, every experience along the journey; because you understand it is about the adventure, not the outcome.
It is to be able to look in the mirror each morning fully knowing there is no danger of the perceived unpleasantly of confrontation and accountability from another in anger, sadness or disappointment of you; because you have chosen to honor all by living in truth of self-love.
To honor the gift of your life is to live each precious moment in the state of love.
To be in love is to live in truth by confronting our inner demons of fear and embracing them with love.
Once you embark on this journey there will no longer be the necessity for the external messenger to come along to uncomfortably reflect back your lack of integrity.
To live the value of the gift of life by being in integrity with the Truth of self, is to walk easily, breathing freely through life because within us resides a brave heart that is pulsing with vitality in its excitement as each moment unfolds.
The heart that sings a song of confidently knowing, that no matter what, you are honorable and will be able to trust your self to address whatever you encounter with love.
The brave heart is where the child of us resides.
The child who playfully bounces through life without insult, injury or harm to others because it will not inflict insult, injury or harm by ignoring or denying itself.
The child who is propelled forward with the velocity of joy, not fearful of expectations from and/or obligations to anyone, the child who knows the only true responsibility is the 'ability to respond' to "unto thy own self be true".
The courageous child who is unafraid to live, and unafraid to love and who is especially unafraid to be his or her true love.
This child respects his or her gift of life by being their true self in any given moment of the journey.
This child knows how to play joyfully; as this child laughs freely and this child is not afraid of its vulnerability, because this child is innocent of any one's projection of wrongdoing! It knows within the gift of life there is also the gift of free will and free choice.
This is the child who values his or her life, as it is the child of inner Light.
It is the child of love; conceived and birthed through the wisdom of the God combined with the beauty and grace of the Goddess.
This child knows he or she is this and more because this child also knows he or she is made of pure love! This child knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he or she need not protect it self from love.
The child knows that love itself is the shield.
He or she knows love is the highest vibration and nothing can touch it other than love.
This child knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he or she is the continually expanding expressive magnificence of all there is and the world is its creative playground.
This child walks in wonder and awe, even though the child may be walking through the shadow of death (the ego), he or she fears no evil; because he or she truly knows how to reverse the adverse effects of "evil" by choosing to "live"! This is the child who knows the value of the gift of life and lives through joy and "in the state of love", rather than "in fear"! You are this child and to permit this child its freedom of expression; is to value the gift of life.
Embrace the child and all other aspects of self.
Do not wait for anything to happen first before you can be you.
You can soar on the wings of freedom where you are unafraid to live, unafraid to love and unafraid to express your undeniable lust for the preciousness of the gift of the life that has been bestowed upon you.
Realize, know and activate the Value of the gift of your life, no matter what the outcome! It is time to discard the old behavior of ducking and dodging your dreams or plans, as a result of denying something within you that brings you joy.
It is time to stand in the Light of the God/Goddess I AM and to be unafraid to know the truth, speak the truth and be the truth, which will allow you to emerge from merely surviving darkness into the light of living.
The gift of life resides in realizing, acknowledging and enacting the preciousness of your every breath; that allows your heart to beat and sing its song.
What tune will your heart carry? One that is bothersome and annoying to self and all others; filled with notes of complaining and dissatisfaction or one that is pleasant and easy upon your ears, as well as nurturing for the hearts of all others? You honor the gift of life, the value and preciousness of your very breath by first knowing and being you in any given moment.
Knowing and being self is loving self and loving self allows you to value your life.
You are not here on earth simply to take up space and encounter adverse people and/or situations.
These adverse situations you created to simply know that you are magnificent divinity encased within a beautiful form that allows you to experience the love of you through the wondrous senses of the physical body.
To value the gift of life is to have the opportunity to be whom you are, to use your higher consciousness to choose love over fear; despite the illusion of density, as each and every moment we live so dangerously close to the edge of the loss of life.
You are meant to awaken to and value the gift of the preciousness of your breath that is the very reminder that you are a magnificent divine being having the opportunity to express the love you are through the expansion of the human experience on earth.
The Now...
present moment is continuously available so we may simply realize that each and every moment is meant to live in the loving of self without expectation and/or attachment to the outcome.
Loving self is being courageous enough to not only speak your truth out loud but then to BE the truth of you by following that truth with right action, despite and in light of any perceived losses.
This is the only loving and honorable way to be aware of and in gratitude for your very existence.
Your life is most precious and more valuable than you can imagine.
The journey of your life is to be embarked upon with the utmost awareness coupled with the awareness that in any given moment you may cease to exist in the physical.
This is not about fear, this is about conscious living so you realize and live your fullest potential of the loving light you are.
To do this for self is to be a living example for all others as you show an understanding and reverence for the gift of the life that was given to you.
To truly utilize your gift is to be who you really are, by living your truth and being a full expression of love without fear of any negative consequences.
It is to move forward each day, perceiving with joy, every experience along the journey.
To know that each experience is a gift lovingly provided for you to fully realize the soul of you.
To value the gift of life is to live in truth knowing you have spent the preciousness of each and every moment in love and engaging in only those activities that bring you joy.
To realize the gift of life in each and every moment is to be courageous, to confront our inner demons and embrace them with love so that the ego, the fearful aspect of self does not impede or hinder our joyful expression.
Be who you really are; be courageous and be joyful...
and you will know the value of the gift of life!

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