Shift Your Focus
A quote that I love is that, "what you focus on expands".
If there is something in your life that you are not happy with, focusing on it not only makes you feel miserable, it seems to taint your other thoughts also.
First you are thinking about how unhappy you are and this is closely followed by the people and circumstances that make you feel that way.
Perhaps your spouse just doesn't understand you, your boss never appreciates you, other people seem to have everything they want flow effortlessly into their lives and so on.
Eventually, you are a victim of your life and it is simply happening TO you instead of you enjoying the journey.
Sound familiar? Now for the good news.
Actually, it is great news! You have the power within you, right now, to change your life.
You can choose to shift your focus and start feeling happier.
It will take some effort on your part to start focusing on all the good things in your life.
Know that it is not wasted effort.
Start small.
Take out a piece of paper and a pen, then make a list of all the things that you are grateful for.
Do not worry about what you write because this list is for your eyes only.
Even if you have only a few things to start with, that is okay; it is a start.
Write down everything, regardless of how insignificant it may seem.
Now carry the list with you.
It can be transcribed onto special paper to add to the visual appeal.
You can, and are encouraged, to add more items to your list at any time.
Then, when you are standing in a long lineup and getting frustrated, or your boss is on your case again, you have this wonderful list you can pull out and review.
It will shift your focus out of the frustration to the things in your life that you are grateful for.
As you become accustomed to reading your list, you will naturally begin to feel more positive.
Your mind will seek out more things that you are grateful for to add to the list.
Now try looking at all the people and circumstances in your life that you perceive as making you unhappy.
Are they really making you unhappy, or are you focusing on qualities or situations that are negative? Are you automatically in a negative place when you see your spouse simply because you have associated negative feelings toward him/her for so long? Maybe your boss expresses happiness with results differently than you do.
Perhaps think of 25 qualities that you love about your spouse, the times that your boss made you feel valued or how you can turn around the negative circumstances around you.
Try to find the good in your life and figure out how to have more of that.
Focus on what you want more of in your life.
Appreciate that which you already have.
Shift your focus, change your life.
If there is something in your life that you are not happy with, focusing on it not only makes you feel miserable, it seems to taint your other thoughts also.
First you are thinking about how unhappy you are and this is closely followed by the people and circumstances that make you feel that way.
Perhaps your spouse just doesn't understand you, your boss never appreciates you, other people seem to have everything they want flow effortlessly into their lives and so on.
Eventually, you are a victim of your life and it is simply happening TO you instead of you enjoying the journey.
Sound familiar? Now for the good news.
Actually, it is great news! You have the power within you, right now, to change your life.
You can choose to shift your focus and start feeling happier.
It will take some effort on your part to start focusing on all the good things in your life.
Know that it is not wasted effort.
Start small.
Take out a piece of paper and a pen, then make a list of all the things that you are grateful for.
Do not worry about what you write because this list is for your eyes only.
Even if you have only a few things to start with, that is okay; it is a start.
Write down everything, regardless of how insignificant it may seem.
Now carry the list with you.
It can be transcribed onto special paper to add to the visual appeal.
You can, and are encouraged, to add more items to your list at any time.
Then, when you are standing in a long lineup and getting frustrated, or your boss is on your case again, you have this wonderful list you can pull out and review.
It will shift your focus out of the frustration to the things in your life that you are grateful for.
As you become accustomed to reading your list, you will naturally begin to feel more positive.
Your mind will seek out more things that you are grateful for to add to the list.
Now try looking at all the people and circumstances in your life that you perceive as making you unhappy.
Are they really making you unhappy, or are you focusing on qualities or situations that are negative? Are you automatically in a negative place when you see your spouse simply because you have associated negative feelings toward him/her for so long? Maybe your boss expresses happiness with results differently than you do.
Perhaps think of 25 qualities that you love about your spouse, the times that your boss made you feel valued or how you can turn around the negative circumstances around you.
Try to find the good in your life and figure out how to have more of that.
Focus on what you want more of in your life.
Appreciate that which you already have.
Shift your focus, change your life.