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How to Manipulate People and Influence Decisions

103 40
Manipulation is not ethical but in this dog eat dog world we have to know how to manipulate people subtly and influence their decisions.
Now, I'm not saying you go out there and manipulate everyone you meet on the street.
Use these techniques for your own good.
Sometimes you can also use these techniques to achieve positive outcomes.
With that said we will see how to subtly influence using manipulation.
While its not possible to present a step-by-step procedure as every situation is unique, there are some guidelines you can follow to implement these ideas.
Specifically, there are three things you need to be aware of to successfully get what you want.
First of all, you should try to inject a strong emotion when trying to manipulate someone.
It could be greed, fear, desire or any such emotion.
If you don't do this then people will start to think clearly and your chances of success will be remote.
Another thing you need to know is the hot buttons of the person you are trying to manipulate.
By carefully observing the person you will know what is his/her hot button.
It could be a pet, hobby or a strong feeling about a subject.
Finally you need to be aware of social engineering techniques.
Hackers use this a lot to gain access to highly secure systems.
For instance, if a person in a police uniform asks you to move away from a place will you go and examine if he is really a cop? We are conditioned to respond in a certain way to certain people.
Like this there are several other social factors that you can use for your own benefit.
So, now that you know the basic guidelines start observing people and analyze situations and try to learn from them.

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