How to Action your Dreams into Reality
"Goal Setting" is taking Action bringing Your Dreams to Reality
"Goal Setting", words that can, just by mentioning them, turn many off starting to achieve anything. This action is not only used by sports players, business people and the "other people". Anyone can use this to Make Things Happen.
This term simply means "Planning a Destination".
Really you plan even if you don't realise it. The act of just doing something that you do as a normal daily event, like going to the shops for groceries, going to the movies, even visiting your friends, still requires you to have an idea what you are going to get, see or do.
You can use this method to change your Life for the Better!
This is planning, by sorting out your thoughts, for what you want to, or would like to "be, do or have". The difference now, is that you get these thoughts out of you head and onto paper. Until you write things down nothing usually happens, you will just continue to day-dream and be frustrated with a lack of progress. This written collection of thoughts can seem like "pie in the sky" stuff. Well, if you do not start putting these down in black and white, you will never start moving towards these points that are going to improve your life.
This act can seem strange and uncomfortable for some. Just go with it. Be proud of yourself. You have just done the hardest major success step!
Unless you know you can enlist help from people close to you, keep your list to yourself. Do not let others mock your dreams. Use a small notebook that you can carry with you each day.
Time for Action! Choose something on your list that you can do right now to make a start today. This act gets you going forward.
Remember the first step is the hardest. It could be;
* visit or contact someone you have lost contact with,
* start getting your life in order, so start by tidying up your surroundings,
* Start exercising, so go for a walk.
It doesn't matter what you start doing first, when you have completed one or each of these tasks you have set yourself, you will feel empowered. Excitement builds when you can see that taking one step at a time you are going forward.
Think about your lists and what you can do next, daily and whenever there is a down time like in a traffic jam or waiting in a queue. Study each thing you have written down. Think and plan your next step. See yourself doing the next thing. Write down now your next move. Alter as required. Put pictures in to your book to help you plan if it helps.
The scary thing with this approach to life is when you start moving towards your desires the world seems to literally open doors for you. What seemed to be just a dream written down actually starts happening. This is so exciting.
The secret is it only starts happening when you start moving forward step by step.
The rule is "You have to take the first step first".
Don't start living tomorrow - tomorrow never arrives. Start working your dreams and ambitions today.
"Goal Setting", words that can, just by mentioning them, turn many off starting to achieve anything. This action is not only used by sports players, business people and the "other people". Anyone can use this to Make Things Happen.
This term simply means "Planning a Destination".
Really you plan even if you don't realise it. The act of just doing something that you do as a normal daily event, like going to the shops for groceries, going to the movies, even visiting your friends, still requires you to have an idea what you are going to get, see or do.
You can use this method to change your Life for the Better!
This is planning, by sorting out your thoughts, for what you want to, or would like to "be, do or have". The difference now, is that you get these thoughts out of you head and onto paper. Until you write things down nothing usually happens, you will just continue to day-dream and be frustrated with a lack of progress. This written collection of thoughts can seem like "pie in the sky" stuff. Well, if you do not start putting these down in black and white, you will never start moving towards these points that are going to improve your life.
This act can seem strange and uncomfortable for some. Just go with it. Be proud of yourself. You have just done the hardest major success step!
Unless you know you can enlist help from people close to you, keep your list to yourself. Do not let others mock your dreams. Use a small notebook that you can carry with you each day.
Time for Action! Choose something on your list that you can do right now to make a start today. This act gets you going forward.
Remember the first step is the hardest. It could be;
* visit or contact someone you have lost contact with,
* start getting your life in order, so start by tidying up your surroundings,
* Start exercising, so go for a walk.
It doesn't matter what you start doing first, when you have completed one or each of these tasks you have set yourself, you will feel empowered. Excitement builds when you can see that taking one step at a time you are going forward.
Think about your lists and what you can do next, daily and whenever there is a down time like in a traffic jam or waiting in a queue. Study each thing you have written down. Think and plan your next step. See yourself doing the next thing. Write down now your next move. Alter as required. Put pictures in to your book to help you plan if it helps.
The scary thing with this approach to life is when you start moving towards your desires the world seems to literally open doors for you. What seemed to be just a dream written down actually starts happening. This is so exciting.
The secret is it only starts happening when you start moving forward step by step.
The rule is "You have to take the first step first".
Don't start living tomorrow - tomorrow never arrives. Start working your dreams and ambitions today.