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Happy Independence Day - Happy 4th of July!

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I felt compelled to share some thoughts as we approach/celebrate Independence Day here in the U.
The thousands of subscribers to my newsletters and clients in my life and business coaching programs live around the world, in many different countries.
I cherish each and every subscriber and client.
I am often asked to share more of my thoughts on a broader range of issues.
And so I will.
I believe that Independence Day has at least as much relevance now as it ever did.
Independence Day is celebrated on July 4th because that is the day (in 1776) when the Continental Congress (the committee that represented the 13 colonies that in time became the United States) adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Independence.
The 13 colonies fought the British for 8 long years before cementing their independence.
(In truth, freedom has never been free.
) In 1783, Independence Day was made an official holiday here in the U.
Every July 4th, Americans have a holiday from work.
There are day-long picnics with hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans and so on.
The day's activities often also include music, baseball games, parades, three-legged races, and pie-eating or watermelon-eating contests.
At night, Americans watch fireworks displays in towns large and small.
I have seen fireworks displays celebrating the 4th in cities large and small in many of the states in our union.
It is a beautiful thing.
Here's the deal: Independence Day is all about individual freedom.
It's says that no man and no government should rule its people.
I want neither a benevolent dictator nor a vicious tyrant.
I want my freedom, and to bow before no man.
Independence Day is about resisting the shackles of oppressive taxation.
Others may accept Kings and being controlled by the all-powerful government, but America was founded way back in 1776 on the notion that no one should be ruled by another.
Today, we see tough economic times around the world - in every country that my subscribers and clients call home.
This is not new.
Today, we have sweet sounding would-be-Kings attempting to do for us what we - as free people - can only do for ourselves.
This is not new.
Today, we have despots using violence and murder in attempts to stamp out the freedom song of their people.
This is not new.
Today, we have elected leaders who believe that they alone are smart enough to solve our problems with a wave of their hands and a deep reach into our pockets.
This is not new.
These leaders ignore history's lessons and they take our money via taxes - continuing to prove the folly of this ego.
This is not new.
These leaders want to tell us what to think, how to live, what to drive, what to eat, and on and on.
They are hypocrites of the highest order.
For example, they tell us not to smoke.
But they smoke.
They create a health care system for us (the little people) that they exempt themselves from.
How good can a program be that they won't adopt for themselves? But then, they believe that they are better than you and me.
They make promises that they don't even try to keep.
None of this is new.
These smarter-than-you-and-I leaders seek to decree using their own perfect knowledge the next technology breakthrough that will change our world, power our cars, light our homes, and elevate our lives.
They want to force this on us.
They ask you and I to believe that they know what's best for all of us.
However well-intentioned, this arrogance is as breathtaking as it is flawed.
None of this is new.
History's great breakthroughs have never been the product of kingly edicts.
They are the product of free people pursuing their own greatness.
This is why America has produced so many of mankind's breakthroughs in just a little over 200 years.
Freedom to dream, think, to create, to profit, to lose, and to try again and again.
These would-be rulers tell us of a Utopia that they can create where all is fair and equal.
Of course, they determine what's fair and they decide who will be equal.
In their system, none will be poor and none - save them and their minions - will be rich, because they judge inequity to not be fair.
In this promise, they suggest that they are God.
They make this promise even though life is not fair and equal.
They make this promise even though individuals bring different talents, skills, desire, knowledge and effort to this thing called life.
They make this promise even though history shows that man-made Utopias always end in despair for the very people who got suckered by the promise.
This is not new.
So what's the point? One of my very best friends asked me, "Why do we let the elected leaders do this to us?" I replied, "The truth may shock you.
The truth is that a high percentage of our fellow citizens actually WANT to be ruled.
They want to be servants.
They want to be slaves.
This may be hard to believe.
But how else to explain those who willingly let others take control of their lives?You and I may see self-rule and freedom as preferred and a moral imperative.
For many others, they would just as soon choose to be slaves.
That's why "we" let elected leaders do this to us.
" I believe that on this Independence Day, you and I (no matter where we live) should proclaim our independence.
I suggest that we recommit to our goals and to living our best lives.
We should not seek the government handout.
Too often, government gives so that it can have control.
(This is also not new!) We should realize that our choices merely give us the opportunity to win or lose, to fail or succeed.
That's freedom and it's not new! I believe that each of us should create and live our best lives.
I hope you agree.
Enjoy Life! Darryl L.

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