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Three Simple Faith Steps

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Faith Steps Decide what you want...
If there is anything that stands out in the individual healings that Jesus performed is the statement or similar statements 'What would you have me do for you?' It seems that Jesus asked this and similar questions to almost everyone who approached Him to be healed.
Why would the one who surely knew everything about the person and their body ask for a specific request? Possibly because this would be the area the person would be prepared to receive healing in.
Get to a place in your heart where you know its OK with God and with yourself that you can have what you desire...
It is important to remember your accuser is cast down.
This is the second area we get stopped in.
Somehow we think it is honorable to remain in a sickly or poor place.
Either we don't think we are worthy to receive or that we would be selfish to believe for a blessing from God when so many are hurting or in lack.
So know God wants to bless you even more than you want to receive.
He came to give you life and that more abundantly.
It is not only OK to receive from God, but it also gives Him pleasure and glory to heal you.
Believe you have received.
Nail it down.
See yourself with the answer all your waking hours and every time you get discouraged, see yourself with the answer again.
This also is an important area, and this is the area where most people give up.
There is kinda a spiritual law that governs this arena.
I call it the law of saturation or tipping point.
It seems if we get past the first two steps we don't saturate our mind, or maybe our subconscious mind with the picture of receiving the desired outcome, therefore we don't totally have confidence that it will or has happened.
Since God is not a tyrant and will not force something on us that we don't really fully believe, the desire is unable to manifest.
John the Baptist declared 'prepare ye the way of the Lord'! What was he saying if not make Him a place to come and manifest His goodness.
I sometimes hear people say 'I don't know what God is doing?, then I hear Holy Spirit say 'I don't know what they are doing'? We seem to ask God for things but never really prepare a way for Him to bring the answer with our will and mind.
We never change our opinion about Him and our lot in life, therefore we hold Him back from doing what He so desires to do, show forth his kindness.
So reprogram your mind, its pictures of yourself, its pictures of your health and wealth, and remove any accusing spirit or thought that says maybe I should not have my desire.
Remember Jesus said: 'Ask so that your joy may be full.

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