The Force of Oppression
The force of oppression may be something we must accept in our lives but often we allow it to be stronger than it actually is.
There may be rules and regulations to contend with but those limits may be less rigid than we perceive.
Often these limits can be stretched to include our doctrine without compromising but at other times we can only be dedicated and take a stand.
Oppression can be asserted upon people in a multitude of ways by any number of forces.
We hear of those in various countries around the world who suffer cruel treatment at the hands of government officials or extreme factions.
Their mistreatment may range from their freedoms being limited or public disgrace to physical torture and many times even death.
It may be for their religious convictions or for other beliefs that don't agree with that of those powers.
Yet they continue to hold fast to those determinations.
One of the worst sources of oppression is from within our own selves.
Often we enforce bondage upon us that we won't allow to be removed.
We restrict the freedoms that we have by permitting our fears and lack of will power to dominate our lives.
We may desire to change our situation and lifestyles but fail to use the desire and determination within us to strengthen and lead our conquest.
We may feel we can't achieve any of our goals and so we neglect to attempt them.
The bondage we place upon ourselves may be one of the most difficult to overcome.
It will require us to defeat the creature inside that always resists change and overpower the voice that says we will fail.
There is no shame in failing if it is used to learn how not to attack the problem, this causes us to limit the options we must try.
Our minds will convince us there is no hope of having things different which in turn convinces our heart to agree.
There is never any reason to discard a dream or goal because it seems impossible.
If we permit our minds to believe it is possible it will devise a way to accomplish it.
Should anyone reading this be in the position of physical oppression my prayers go up for you.
To those who are under self-bondage please set your selves free.
The things keeping you from achieving what you desire are not real and can be overcome.
They only exist in your mind with no substance; fear is an emotion unless you are in physical danger.
There may be rules and regulations to contend with but those limits may be less rigid than we perceive.
Often these limits can be stretched to include our doctrine without compromising but at other times we can only be dedicated and take a stand.
Oppression can be asserted upon people in a multitude of ways by any number of forces.
We hear of those in various countries around the world who suffer cruel treatment at the hands of government officials or extreme factions.
Their mistreatment may range from their freedoms being limited or public disgrace to physical torture and many times even death.
It may be for their religious convictions or for other beliefs that don't agree with that of those powers.
Yet they continue to hold fast to those determinations.
One of the worst sources of oppression is from within our own selves.
Often we enforce bondage upon us that we won't allow to be removed.
We restrict the freedoms that we have by permitting our fears and lack of will power to dominate our lives.
We may desire to change our situation and lifestyles but fail to use the desire and determination within us to strengthen and lead our conquest.
We may feel we can't achieve any of our goals and so we neglect to attempt them.
The bondage we place upon ourselves may be one of the most difficult to overcome.
It will require us to defeat the creature inside that always resists change and overpower the voice that says we will fail.
There is no shame in failing if it is used to learn how not to attack the problem, this causes us to limit the options we must try.
Our minds will convince us there is no hope of having things different which in turn convinces our heart to agree.
There is never any reason to discard a dream or goal because it seems impossible.
If we permit our minds to believe it is possible it will devise a way to accomplish it.
Should anyone reading this be in the position of physical oppression my prayers go up for you.
To those who are under self-bondage please set your selves free.
The things keeping you from achieving what you desire are not real and can be overcome.
They only exist in your mind with no substance; fear is an emotion unless you are in physical danger.