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Happiness - Law of the universe

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"Why is he promoted instead of me?"
"Why are they so lucky?"
There are many things that we ask "Why". I remembered someone said that all things happen for a reason. I believe that is quite true. Everything happening now is due to the actions that we did yesterday. Our life is an energy system. If nothing GOOD is happening in your life, you are the cause of it! It we keep using the same seeds; we will harvest the very same fruits too!
If we are unhappy today, it is because our beliefs or actions in the past caused us to be in this state. Take for example; Bruce charmed his women with diamonds and perfume. When they walk out on him, he claims he's been used for his money. If you go fishing with diamonds for bait, you'll catch fish that like diamonds! Is that a surprise?
The nature law of the universe of "Cause and effect" is an iron rule that applies to our pursuit of success and happiness. However, the most important things is that we need to learn the principles of this law and fully maximizes it to our own use in becoming happier.
So how can we pursuit our Happiness? We can 'Follow our heart' to pursue Happiness but we need to bear in mind that the laws of universe always apply. We need to put in efforts in order to harvest the fruits we desired. By remembering that the iron rule always applies, we should avoid things that we can foresee that gives us negative results if we had done 'Y'. On the other hand, we should do things that could help gain a positive 'feeling' on ourselves, so that others are happy being with us and this leads us to begin to be happy as well!

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