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OCD Forum - Saying Goodbye to Financial Stress Which Will Help Reduce Stress That Causes OCD

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I once heard a leader in an MLM program say, "We used to have a stack of bills waiting for the cash to come in, now we've got a stack of cash waiting for the bills to come in!" I was very impressed and moved by that. I wanted that kind of financial security and stress-free.

So no matter what kind of financial situation you are in right now, it's important for you to know that there are plenty of people out there who have it ten times worse than you do!u will

Knowing this is especially valuable when you are suffering from OCD. Knowing that financial stress is one of the greatest causes of stress, which causes anxiety, which leads to OCD. If you learn how to reduce the stress caused by finances, you will be directly reducing the stress that causes OCD.

There are people out there who have bookies out after them, who knows, you might be one of those people! If you are, I pray for you right now that you'll make it through your situation.

Remember when you were a little kid and you did not have any financial obligations? Wasn't that nice? Remember how much less stress you had? Man, if you could just release the financial stress you have now, you may not have any stress at all!

So here's some things you can do right now to release some of that stress.

Make a plan as to what you're going to do about your situation. After all, how can you get out if you don't have a plan?

Next, write down the steps that you are going to take to get there, simple steps that you can break up and do daily that will eventually lead to financial freedom.

If you don't know, ask someone. There are many ways you can make money and get out of debt. Go to your favorite bookstore or the internet and start doing the research. Don't put this off.

The next thing that you can do is to envision yourself every day being financially free, if it can't happen in your mind, how can it happen in real life?

As a man thinketh, so he is. You've got to think your way to financial freedom.

Don't sweat it, just make a plan and do it, it's that simple.

Don't make it a big deal. You may be losing your house, your wife, your kids, everything, you may be in financial ruin. Most tragedies are magnified in our minds. Just take it bit by bit. Think about how you can acquire these things again and make a plan and follow it. If someone leaves you because you lost your money, you don't need them, it's that simple. Once you accept that, you'll be in a position to get out of your hole.

Another important step is to accept your situation, don't deny it. Seek help, financial advice, you can find plenty in bookstores or online.

Take action: If you are stressed financially, tell yourself, "Stop!" Then take a few deep breathes and know that it's going to be ok because you'll handle the situation. Then make a plan right now about how you're going to get out of this situation. If you don't know how, do research at the bookstore and online until you know. Once you know how, all that's left is to do it!

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