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Advantages of Being an Early Riser - Get Time to Work on Your Goals

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There's many reasons for you to get up and out of bed earlier.
When you get control over your sleeping habits, you gain much more time, mainly because you will start to sleep less hours.
One of my favorite things by getting up earlier is that I have time to work on my goals.
I always keep a notebook with me when I'm out and when I get an idea, I write it down.
Since I started getting up earlier, I've got around 2 hours extra a day to work on these projects, before I go to work.
So, even though I only use an hour or so each day on my personal projects, I get a little bit closer to the goal each and every day.
How much time do you have to work on your goals? Nell Fredeunberger (a famous author) once said that she would write her short stories early in the morning, before going to work at Time Magazine.
That's pretty impressive, don't you think? Her short stories have won many awards and she recently published a novel.
Now, the reason I mention her is to tell you, that most people who are successful in life, get up early in the morning.
How long do you think Donald Trump sleeps? He gets up before everyone else and make sure he's getting a good start on his day.
By waking up earlier, you make time for yourself, to do whatever is important for you.
If you always sleep as long as possible, you simply don't have time to work on your own projects.
Another advantage is that your gain much more energy by being in control of your sleep.
You never sleep more than you need and you always sleep enough.

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