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From Little Things to Abundance

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It is common to think of the small things as if they do not matter.
What is a penny here or there? Or what difference does it make to think one little bad thought about yourself every once in a while? Surely this won't have too great an impact on the outcome of things, right? Actually, every little bit contributes to the whole so even those things that appear to be insignificant should be carefully considered.
This is not a ground-breaking idea, in fact, ironically enough it is a small one.
Yet it is an idea that is often overlooked because of its simplicity.
Once we realize that all things are connected and interrelated with each other in some form or fashion, we come to understand why it is important to value everything that we encounter along the way.
Take Janet for example, an out of work yoga instructor.
She did not think much of it when, while making small talk at the bakery, a woman described the heavy traffic she just got out of.
Though she did not mention it to the stranger, Janet was appreciative for the tidbit of information because it was the direction she was headed - which could now be avoided.
As she takes an alternative route, she sees a sign for a new yoga studio that she had no idea existed.
She pulls into the parking lot of the small studio and goes in to speak to a woman standing behind a desk.
The owner explains that she has been struggling trying to manage the business and teach the classes herself so she is grateful that Janet has arrived to offer her services.
Both Janet and the owner feel that the serendipitous meeting is a blessing for each of them, and they work well together to run a successful studio.
How many small things occurred in this situation that we would not think much of? Let's look at the individual situations that we may not place much individual value on: • Janet makes small talk at a bakery • There is heavy traffic • An alternative route is taken • A new yoga studio has been built • An owner struggles to manage her business Of themselves, none of those occurrences are very riveting.
However, in their relation to leading Janet to an opportunity she had been hoping for, each of those steps has great value.
We get in the habit of determining what things are important versus what things are a waste of time based on our perception that valuable things and situation must also be great or overtly significant.
This is simply not the case as is proven by nature time and time again.
It is the tiny seed blown into a field that becomes a forest.
When we stop to tune into the people around us instead of staring away with the latest downloads playing in our earbuds, we may find others in our community with whom we can make meaningful connections.
Even small inconveniences can have great rewards as we consider those who report avoiding major accidents as a result of some unexpected delay.
The goal is to realize the value in all things.
This way there is no need to determine who to treat with respect and who to just brush off; all people will be valued and treated with the same respect regardless of their position.
No situation will be viewed as a waste of time because of the deeper understanding that all of our circumstances are interrelated and somehow bring us a step closer to our ultimate goal.
Sure, some of those steps closer may appear to be setbacks, but the wise one learns to gather meaning from the event to add to their arsenal of experience to expedite their future missions.
Even the seemingly meaningless can have tremendous impact in the big picture, so learn to value the small things.
It may be the catalyst to manifesting magnificence.

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