The Power of Daily Actions
When is the best time to start working on a new goal? The answer is simple: Begin right now, today! The biggest obstacle most of us face when starting to work towards a new goal is "the paralysis of analysis.
" Simply put, sometimes we can over think things too much.
We are always looking for the perfect time to start, or the perfect set of circumstances that would maximize our chances of accomplishing the goal, or the waiting for the right people to show up in our lives to help us reach the goal.
I'm not suggesting you should be careless or unprepared, but I'm stating if you are always waiting for the perfect time to start, you will never find it, because the perfect time does not exist.
There will always be reasons or situations we can use as excuses for not moving forward.
Sometimes the starting is indeed the most difficult, and terrifying.
Some never start because they are so scared of failing.
This fear is keeping them from experiencing and living life to its fullest.
The good news is the sooner you start, the sooner your goal can be realized.
When you start working on a goal, and make the commitment to take daily action, the Universe will realize this help you achieve what you desire.
Remember, "Like attracts like.
" Therefore, if you are putting energy and passion into the pursuit of your goals, your efforts will be rewarded - guaranteed! Tell the world what you want right now, today.
Write down what you goal is.
Next, each day list one to five things you can do that will support your goal (see the example below).
Remember, you only have to do a few things each day.
These actions do not have to be big; they can be as simple or as complicated as you want.
It really doesn't matter what the actions are, it just matters that you begin to do them right now, today.
My Goal: The steps I will take toward my goal today are: 1.
I will reward myself for accomplishing my daily steps by doing the following: 1.
" Simply put, sometimes we can over think things too much.
We are always looking for the perfect time to start, or the perfect set of circumstances that would maximize our chances of accomplishing the goal, or the waiting for the right people to show up in our lives to help us reach the goal.
I'm not suggesting you should be careless or unprepared, but I'm stating if you are always waiting for the perfect time to start, you will never find it, because the perfect time does not exist.
There will always be reasons or situations we can use as excuses for not moving forward.
Sometimes the starting is indeed the most difficult, and terrifying.
Some never start because they are so scared of failing.
This fear is keeping them from experiencing and living life to its fullest.
The good news is the sooner you start, the sooner your goal can be realized.
When you start working on a goal, and make the commitment to take daily action, the Universe will realize this help you achieve what you desire.
Remember, "Like attracts like.
" Therefore, if you are putting energy and passion into the pursuit of your goals, your efforts will be rewarded - guaranteed! Tell the world what you want right now, today.
Write down what you goal is.
Next, each day list one to five things you can do that will support your goal (see the example below).
Remember, you only have to do a few things each day.
These actions do not have to be big; they can be as simple or as complicated as you want.
It really doesn't matter what the actions are, it just matters that you begin to do them right now, today.
My Goal: The steps I will take toward my goal today are: 1.
I will reward myself for accomplishing my daily steps by doing the following: 1.