Challenge - The Number 1 Motivator of People
Challenge is the #1 motivator of people and not money! During the last six months my son has had several challenges because of choices he made in the past.
My message to him was to challenge himself to move past the situations and do what was necessary to reach his goals.
I further pointed out to him people who had overcome great challenges and propelled their lives.
Helen Keller was one of my examples.
I love this quote by Helen Keller "It's a shame to be able to see and have no vision.
" The Peak Performers in this country are ones that search out challenge because they know it will provide them with tools and strategies which can be used in every area of life.
When you challenge yourself not only do you become more during the process, you also feel a sense of accomplishment when you reach your goals - which is very gratifying.
During my time in prison, I really began to grasp the concept and benefits of challenge.
I challenged myself in every area because I wanted to be better.
I would set up 30 and 60 day challenges every month or two and I have continued this cycle since I got out of prison.
The great thing that challenge provides is the opportunity to stretch yourself to acquire new information or skills which lead to competence and higher levels of self-esteem.
As I stated earlier, "Challenge is the #1 motivator of people and not money!" While in prison, I realized this was true.
I challenged myself to come home an educated man, and I did.
What I didn't know was by meeting the challenge I became a better Kerry.
What challenge can you set for yourself today that will allow you to become a better you? My son met his challenges and he graduated last night! The beauty of this is that what he acquired during this process will aid him in becoming a better adult! Congratulations to my son, nephew and niece and all young people who are graduating from high school and moving on to a new phase of life! I challenge all leaders to be the challenge seekers our young people need to see because it will allow them the opportunity to model what they see and become one of the peak performers this world so desperately needs!
My message to him was to challenge himself to move past the situations and do what was necessary to reach his goals.
I further pointed out to him people who had overcome great challenges and propelled their lives.
Helen Keller was one of my examples.
I love this quote by Helen Keller "It's a shame to be able to see and have no vision.
" The Peak Performers in this country are ones that search out challenge because they know it will provide them with tools and strategies which can be used in every area of life.
When you challenge yourself not only do you become more during the process, you also feel a sense of accomplishment when you reach your goals - which is very gratifying.
During my time in prison, I really began to grasp the concept and benefits of challenge.
I challenged myself in every area because I wanted to be better.
I would set up 30 and 60 day challenges every month or two and I have continued this cycle since I got out of prison.
The great thing that challenge provides is the opportunity to stretch yourself to acquire new information or skills which lead to competence and higher levels of self-esteem.
As I stated earlier, "Challenge is the #1 motivator of people and not money!" While in prison, I realized this was true.
I challenged myself to come home an educated man, and I did.
What I didn't know was by meeting the challenge I became a better Kerry.
What challenge can you set for yourself today that will allow you to become a better you? My son met his challenges and he graduated last night! The beauty of this is that what he acquired during this process will aid him in becoming a better adult! Congratulations to my son, nephew and niece and all young people who are graduating from high school and moving on to a new phase of life! I challenge all leaders to be the challenge seekers our young people need to see because it will allow them the opportunity to model what they see and become one of the peak performers this world so desperately needs!