How to Unblock Your Creative Talents and Create New Energy Around You
Do you ever have those days when it just doesn't seem to be working? Whatever business you are in, whether in a creative field or not, we all need elements of creativity to be able to effectively market ourselves and run our businesses, and some days it just all seems to fall flat.
So, what do you do when you've lost your mojo? You need confidence to get back into your groove and show the world how great you are, and the good news is, it doesn't take much.
However, the more you worry about it, the more difficult it becomes.
So, here are my foolproof tips for getting your creativity kickstarted once more.
Think a Little Less Thinking leads to more thinking which leads to worrying.
At least, that over-analytical, self-critical thinking does.
Because this is a logical activity, you are sabotaging your creativity.
When I know I need the ideas to flow, I think less.
For a business that's based on thinking, this can be anathema to me, however, knowing when to switch it on and off is vital for me.
So, parts of my planning processes include non thinking time.
Try daydreaming instead, with a huge piece of paper and some coloured pens.
See where your daydreams take you.
Do Something, Do Anything Start a new Word document and type.
Start a journal and write whatever comes into your head.
Get up and make a cup of coffee.
Read a magazine article.
Draw something.
Try a free writing exercise where you write anything, don't censor and don't correct.
Allow yourself to be inspired; if you need to, remind yourself of what your inspirations are and then look at them differently.
Just do something.
Learn Something Different I am lucky to have a specific creative outlet and I play guitar.
Whenever I am stuck in a creative rut, I turn to a different outlet for creativity and play my guitar.
If I learn something new and direct my attentions that way, when I return to my work project, I have a new perspective and a new set of thoughts to play with.
Change Your View Work in the library, or take your laptop into a different room than the one where you normally work.
Work standing up in the kitchen, or gaze out of the window for a while.
Working standing up in any room is helpful because, once more, it's a different perspective to the one you have when you sit.
Make and take phone calls standing up and walk ar0und as you talk.
Keep a notepad and pen in your pocket to jot down thoughts.
Rearrange your office if that helps; again you are changing your view and you will see things with fresh eyes.
Get Away From the Computer Go for a walk, go for a swim, head out to a coffee shop.
Have a nap.
Stay away from your computer for a while and don't let it mock you (we know they do that when there's a blank screen of no work in front of us).
Start Again Tomorrow Give yourself permission to have an afternoon off if you are really stuck in a rut and begin again the next day.
You are allowed to be nice to yourself and relaxing is only going to benefit you and ensure that you start again with a happier attitude and a new day.
So, what do you do when you've lost your mojo? You need confidence to get back into your groove and show the world how great you are, and the good news is, it doesn't take much.
However, the more you worry about it, the more difficult it becomes.
So, here are my foolproof tips for getting your creativity kickstarted once more.
Think a Little Less Thinking leads to more thinking which leads to worrying.
At least, that over-analytical, self-critical thinking does.
Because this is a logical activity, you are sabotaging your creativity.
When I know I need the ideas to flow, I think less.
For a business that's based on thinking, this can be anathema to me, however, knowing when to switch it on and off is vital for me.
So, parts of my planning processes include non thinking time.
Try daydreaming instead, with a huge piece of paper and some coloured pens.
See where your daydreams take you.
Do Something, Do Anything Start a new Word document and type.
Start a journal and write whatever comes into your head.
Get up and make a cup of coffee.
Read a magazine article.
Draw something.
Try a free writing exercise where you write anything, don't censor and don't correct.
Allow yourself to be inspired; if you need to, remind yourself of what your inspirations are and then look at them differently.
Just do something.
Learn Something Different I am lucky to have a specific creative outlet and I play guitar.
Whenever I am stuck in a creative rut, I turn to a different outlet for creativity and play my guitar.
If I learn something new and direct my attentions that way, when I return to my work project, I have a new perspective and a new set of thoughts to play with.
Change Your View Work in the library, or take your laptop into a different room than the one where you normally work.
Work standing up in the kitchen, or gaze out of the window for a while.
Working standing up in any room is helpful because, once more, it's a different perspective to the one you have when you sit.
Make and take phone calls standing up and walk ar0und as you talk.
Keep a notepad and pen in your pocket to jot down thoughts.
Rearrange your office if that helps; again you are changing your view and you will see things with fresh eyes.
Get Away From the Computer Go for a walk, go for a swim, head out to a coffee shop.
Have a nap.
Stay away from your computer for a while and don't let it mock you (we know they do that when there's a blank screen of no work in front of us).
Start Again Tomorrow Give yourself permission to have an afternoon off if you are really stuck in a rut and begin again the next day.
You are allowed to be nice to yourself and relaxing is only going to benefit you and ensure that you start again with a happier attitude and a new day.