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Female Hypnosis

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Women all over the world have always wanted equality at home and outside.
But due to the patriarchal system followed in most parts of the world they have always been subjugated mentally and physically from childhood to old age.
Heaven help those who try to break the rules set down by man.
Hence women have had to fight for empowerment and have been successful to some extent in gaining equality.
Sadly, even now women feel that they are inferior to men due to their psychological makeup.
This empowerment has to come from within and hypnosis is the best tool that can be used to achieve the goal.
It is the subconscious mind that controls our thoughts and behavior.
To get to the subconscious mind we first have to overcome the conscious mind.
With hypnosis we can directly influence the subconscious mind.
How hypnosis does so is very easy to understand.
In a relaxed state the conscious mind opens a way to reach the subconscious.
During hypnosis, the hypnotist brings the subject to a calm and relaxed state with actions, words and visuals.
Now the subconscious is receptive to the suggestions of the hypnotist.
It stores these suggestions and unless they go against her moral code, uses them and thus behaves and thinks differently from before.
One of the other main uses of female hypnosis is connected to the female body.
Women want to look good.
Looking good raises her self esteem and confidence.
But there is rarely a woman in the world who is happy with the body god gave her.
And one of the body parts western women are most concerned about is their breasts.
Most want bigger and better shaped ones and hypnotism can help them get that.
It has been noticed that when there is a release of hormones in the body, the size of the breasts are found to increase.
This phenomenon can be reproduced through hypnotism.
Another problem plaguing women is obesity which is usually due to unhealthy eating habits and a wrong lifestyle.
Using hypnotism, a change in behavior can be brought about.
Women eat better nutritious food, exercise better and are able to quit smoking and other unhealthy habits after undergoing hypnosis.
Female hypnotism is also used to cure various mental blocks and phobias in women.
It is also used to increase confidence in women.
This helps them to be happier and more successful in personal and public life.

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