The Wonders Of A Photographic Memory
A photographic memory refers to a person being able to recall every minute detail as if you had the object right in front of your eyes. As you can imagine, this can become an extremely useful tool to have, and the amount of people who possess this wonderful ability is greater that you think it is. More so in this current day and age, what people want is instant information on the go and what other better to be able to achieve that then to have a photographic memory? What are the advantages of a photographic memory, you might ask.
1) Knowledge is Power
The wise old men have a saying that knowledge is power. Our era has often been dubbed as the information age, and we are surrounded by data all around us. Whether it is specialized knowledge, or general, the amount of information available is staggering. We use this information in our everyday lives, and a simple task of assembling a table or setting up a tennis court requires knowledge. Imagine then, the amount of information needed for the high technology equipment that we work with every day. Now imagine the wonders of having a photographic memory, and how this can cut down on the amount of referring and reading of manuals over and over again rather, we can recall the things that we want to!
2) Getting ahead in life
Without knowledge, it is almost impossible to rise to the top. Be it the social, economic or political food chain, having a photographic memory means that you are able to impress others, learn faster and work faster. Acquiring new skills and learning on the job has never been easier, and the wonder of having a photographic memory is in the drastic shortening of the learning curve. Having a photographic memory hence means that it is now easier to be at the top of the ladder as you are able to beat others to the top.
3) Playing the Social Game
Aside from power, wealth and fame, others derive pleasure from being able to learn quickly for the sake of learning. It is also a great skill to have at social functions, and the ability to recall everyones names, jobs, and other snippets of information that youve heard once can turn out to be a blessing. Not only are you likely to impress the person with remembering details of your past conversations, it is easier to recall what they like or abhor and use it to your advantage. Of course, having a photographic memory also makes for great entertainment, when you can recall without effort a list of some 50 words and repeat it without hesitation when asked what the 12th word was.
It is evident that having a photographic memory is a one step up advantage from being an average Joe in the street. In our information age, knowledge is essential to being successful in life. Why settle for just being able to access knowledge through references, when you can have knowledge at your fingertips and recall anything you want at any moment?
1) Knowledge is Power
The wise old men have a saying that knowledge is power. Our era has often been dubbed as the information age, and we are surrounded by data all around us. Whether it is specialized knowledge, or general, the amount of information available is staggering. We use this information in our everyday lives, and a simple task of assembling a table or setting up a tennis court requires knowledge. Imagine then, the amount of information needed for the high technology equipment that we work with every day. Now imagine the wonders of having a photographic memory, and how this can cut down on the amount of referring and reading of manuals over and over again rather, we can recall the things that we want to!
2) Getting ahead in life
Without knowledge, it is almost impossible to rise to the top. Be it the social, economic or political food chain, having a photographic memory means that you are able to impress others, learn faster and work faster. Acquiring new skills and learning on the job has never been easier, and the wonder of having a photographic memory is in the drastic shortening of the learning curve. Having a photographic memory hence means that it is now easier to be at the top of the ladder as you are able to beat others to the top.
3) Playing the Social Game
Aside from power, wealth and fame, others derive pleasure from being able to learn quickly for the sake of learning. It is also a great skill to have at social functions, and the ability to recall everyones names, jobs, and other snippets of information that youve heard once can turn out to be a blessing. Not only are you likely to impress the person with remembering details of your past conversations, it is easier to recall what they like or abhor and use it to your advantage. Of course, having a photographic memory also makes for great entertainment, when you can recall without effort a list of some 50 words and repeat it without hesitation when asked what the 12th word was.
It is evident that having a photographic memory is a one step up advantage from being an average Joe in the street. In our information age, knowledge is essential to being successful in life. Why settle for just being able to access knowledge through references, when you can have knowledge at your fingertips and recall anything you want at any moment?