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Tips for Increasing Reading Speed

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It seems like every day, we have more and more reading material building up on the edge of the desk.
In addition to monthly reports, and industry news we have to keep updated on, there is a constant barrage of emails, newsletters, and of course, junk mail.
It has become a necessity to be able to read faster, and to understand what we read without having to go back over the report.
Increasing your reading speed will improve your comprehension.
As you read faster, you focus more on the important words, and your brain automatically stores this information for you.
When you read word by word, your brain still stores the information, but it also tends to wander away and think of other things.
The first tip for increasing reading speed is to check to see if you are moving your lips while you are reading.
Some of us developed this habit in grade school, when we started learning how to read.
It can be a hard habit to break, but well worth the effort.
The second tip is to practice the skill of skimming.
This means that you are not reading every word on the page.
Instead, you skim the page for phrases and keywords that convey the essence of what is being written.
This allows you to focus on the important and relevant parts of what you are reading.
Another great tip for increasing reading speed is to read the first line of each paragraph on the page.
This will let you know if there is information in that paragraph that is important for you.
Practice focusing on groups of words, rather than single words when you read.
This becomes easier with practice.
Once you are comfortable with small groups of words, increase the number of words you focus on until you can take in an entire sentence at a glance.
To increase your reading speed, you should read more.
This can be difficult- especially if you have a pile of reading to do, and you don't know where to start.
Instead of being overwhelmed, set aside fifteen minutes each day to read.
For part of that time, consciously make yourself read faster than your normal rate.
You will find that you will easily increase your reading speed in a short period of time.
There are many books, courses and online seminars that can help you learn to speed read.
Some people find that enrolling in a class with a friend helps to keep them on track, and adds a bit of friendly competition to learning to speed read.
There is a wealth of information on speed reading available on the internet.
Ask around, you might even know someone who has taken a class, or used a book that they can recommend to you.
It doesn't look like the amount of required reading will lessen in the future, so improving your reading speed is fast becoming a necessary skill.

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