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Grief And Loss: Avoid Disconnection Conditions, Increasing The Suffering

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Establish strong links with the people, places, spirituality, learning, and its goal and mission in life is a key strategy for adaptation. This makes the difference between living with the ups and downs of life or are flooded emotionally and physically, when significant changes occur. Significantly, there are many studies showing the effect of the connection, but a lot of headaches to ignore the obvious.

Law on the concept of integration is very strong, as it mourns the death of each, and the rule of life without the physical presence of their loved ones. Blending is not limited to human relationships. Stories of nature, beauty, art, music, individual objects are dead or in pain, love, can not function effectively bridges the transition strength and comfort. They can also play an important role in the possibility of personal change, which is always present when there is a loss and change.

On the other hand, the decoupling of the root of all suffering. This leads, among others, isolation, boredom, loneliness, increased, decreased self-esteem and ultimately an increase in reactive depression. Failure to connect to a variety of levels and you invite disease and more stressful, not to mention emotional turmoil.

More importantly, you lose the positive feelings about self (a major force to meet the new conditions) generated by the selection of permanent links. This is not to deny the need to disconnect the other at regular intervals in solitude, to think through major issues and potential problems.

Here are a few breaks to avoid the road to avoid the process of mourning.

First, periods of being alone. As mentioned earlier, we all need time. However, the tendency to live in isolation and give the impression that the victim is characterized by thinking is a dangerous practice. Yes, thoughts of self-pity is normal and can give an attention span. Therefore, it is important to make a move. Do something to re-organize their thoughts, focusing on everything else. Design of specific connections every day through the insulation. This means that we have to go and not wait for others to catch up.

Second Refuse to try new behaviors and develop new routines. No one likes to accept the fact that without the presence of our lives a loved life becomes a new and different. We want our lives before. Without planning new activities, to accept some changes to your old ways, while building new and reach out to restore our feelings of pain, inadvertently, we build fences to keep the world out. In a way, it becomes necessary for us to find space within themselves the love and not just our beloved.

3. The reduction of invitations to the neighbors, colleagues, friends or relatives. If you think that socialization when the duel is a lack of respect for the memory of the dead, remember that your beloved, which would in this respect. Certainly there is no safe time around people who care and love. Search the opening must have a positive side accepted. We need each other.

4. Hide your feelings. It's normal to feel sad, exhausted, he loses his sense of life, feeling guilty, angry or depressed, despite these feelings may seem quite normal. When you find someone you trust to come to the surface feelings. Share them. Perhaps one of the connections is considered one mentor. Hiding feelings clearly the results of stress. Strong feelings that remain unspoken led to an increase in physical complaints, and for every thought and feeling that there is no answer that corresponds to the cell body.

5. Do not give enough attention to your health. Eat well, try to rest and sleep under a break from everyday stress and do some daily exercise are important links to work. I see many mourners who are dehydrated, which culminates in more pain and interferes with healthy thinking. Find the best foods to eat and explore the myths to debunk (you have to drink eight glasses of water each day) as part of establishing a strong bond to maintain good health.

The sixth order does not deal relationships with loved ones. You will always be with your beloved, you are in mourning, and all the loved ones who have passed. Never buy a fake, we recommend / her to go for your life. This is wrong.

I say to all the mourners, I work with what is normal to talk to your deceased loved one. In fact, it is healthy to have conversations and learn to love in separation. Ask a question and see what pops into your head. Or imagine that your loved one would say. My mother died 30 years ago and I still talk to him. Make every effort to keep the memories alive, because they support and provide an opportunity to talk about the loved one at the appropriate time.

And finally, believe that reprogramming is a constant element of life. We will only intensify and prolong the pain of a loss is not a commitment to reinvest in life by making changes that the new conditions require. We have no control over, but it can affect how we deal with a gift. Use your whole life needs to survive the inevitable changes and new conditions are presented in tools for personal growth. A commitment to increase the patience, humility and kindness, that these three are crucial to the relationship and avoid interruptions in the process.

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