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Becoming More Decisive

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We are all confronted with many different decisions that we have to make daily. Most of them are small and if we make the wrong decision it wont make a whole lot of difference one way or another. We probably make more of these decisions than we can count on a daily basis. For example which process do we use to determine which route to take to work or what to eat for lunch. The worst that can happen when we flub a small decision is a minor inconvenience or discomfort, so many times the outcome of a bad decision is almost inconsequential, but what about those times that we have to make a major decision which will seriously affect some aspect of our life?

We will encounter problems each day. Some of them will be normal problems that we have encountered many times before and others will be major life changing problems with the potential to do some permanent damage if we dont handle them correctly. There are several things that we can do in order to avoid getting in these situations but sooner or later they will happen in spite of all that we do to prevent them.

One preventative measure that we can take is to plan ahead for contingencies. Of course we cant plan for everything that can go wrong but if we plan for the major problems which may arise we will avoid a lot of heartache in our lives. For example it is prudent to check out the weekly weather forecast. If you forget to check it daily you will still have an indication of what to expect on a certain day and you will be able to prepare for it. Make all of the safeguards that you need to make in advance. If for example you are taking a long drive through the mountains in the winter time it is prudent to take a set of snow chains. These are just examples in order to make a point but I am sure that you can see what I mean here. Anticipate problems before they happen. When I was in the military we called it Murphys law. The law is that anything that can go wrong will go wrong and I have seen it come into effect during many military operations and believe me it certainly seems to be true.

Indecisiveness indicates a lack of confidence. People who cant make a decision have no confidence in their own decision making abilities. The person who is confident knows that the decision that he or she has made will work because they know that they will be able to make it work even if it is wrong. The person who is confident has been there many times before and knows that they have the ability to work themselves out of the fix.
The confident person is one who is armed with as many of the facts as is possible so he or she knows that if something goes wrong they did all that they could to avoid the situation.

It is wise to take as much time as you need to make the decision but when it is time to move you need to be ready to move. There will almost always be several options that you can take which will get you the results that you need. The main thing is to make a decision and stick to it.

People respect you if you are decisive. Decisiveness indicates that you are a leader. People will follow you if you are sure of yourself because they will feel comfortable about your ability to lead them in the direction that they need to go.

Learn how to arm yourself with all of the knowledge that you can before you come to the point where you need to make an important decision. Knowledge is power. If you can anticipate problems before they happen you will be able to be more decisive in life. Riceland Enterprises

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